Chapter Seven ~ A Different Corner

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This week was a little less hectic than last. The only confrontation we faced was when Dan came to our house begging my aunt Sam to come home. She refused and said she needed time to heal from what he had done. Which confirmed my suspicions of something bad happened. I mean it isn't any of my business but I knew something had gone on between the two of them. But why she chose to leave her and Dan's kids with him beat me. Dad seemed to care less about what was going on in their lives so I decided to ask Marie about it. Since she was close to me and Dan wasn't her dad so maybe she'd spill the beans about what had been happening between her mother and him. 

Marie and I were sitting in my bedroom comparing body types like typical teens do. She sat down on my bed and sighed. "Sammy do you think my mom will ever forgive Dan?" "What do you mean?" "Well ever since mom's been pregnant with the babies Dan's been very shady lately. He'll accuse her of unthinkable things. Which I can't see why since he was the one who did her wrong. He was the one who was a jerk not mum." I saw a few tears fall down her face. "What did he do?" She wiped the tears. I handed her some tissues and then sat beside her. "He claims mum cheated on him, and then he in turn cheated on her because he said he felt she did. He got this other woman pregnant and thinks mum doesn't know about it. He then has started being a jerk. The other kids are with grandma and grandpa. She won't let him near them and has put a restraining order on him for the younger ones. He's become more abusive. She said she felt safe her with you guys so I came too." "Wow that's something else. He didn't seem that way before. Your mum would never do anything bad I know that for sure. And he's just a jerk so don't listen to them." "Mum's got us a place by grandma's. Since they own a lot of these houses around here. We're moving in next week and Dan doesn't know it."  "That's a good new start. I hope it goes well." She sighed again. "I just wish I knew my dad like you do so I could go and see what life would be like." I rubbed her back. "I know you do and it's not you're fault you don't know him. Trust me you probably wouldn't. Your mum is a good woman you know and did an amazing job at raising you." "I know mum told me why I don't know my dad. She said he's in prison for raping her and killing other girls. Mum was lucky she got away or she'd be dead too. Why do people do these things? Like he ruined his own life and his families forever." "Some people are cruel and mean. Why these things happen we'll never know and I'm glad you're here though." She smiled. "I know. But it seems like this runs in the family. Everyone gets hurt. Or everyone dies." I felt my heart sink. She was right. 

I never could answer her after she had said that. It hurt my heart too much to see her in that much pain. I was in tears too when my aunt came into the room. "What's the matter kids? You two ready to go shopping?" "Oh it's nothing mum. We're just sad about Mae that's all. We're ready to go." I continued to sit on the bed as Marie got up. "Sammy you coming? Dad's waiting down there for you." "Tell him I'm gonna stay home. I'm not feeling so great." "Oh come on it'll be all right. Dad will get a little uneasy if you argue it. We're all going today. We're going to go clothes shopping remember?" I sighed and decided I might as well go since dad would get a little uneasy about it. 

As we came downstairs I saw dad on the phone. "Dean she's up and ready to go." Dad nodded. "Sammy can you go start the car? Dad will be there in a few." I went over to him as Samantha and Marie followed Cas outside. He handed me the keys. I then hugged him. "What's the matter sweetie?" "I don't wanna go, but I know I've got to. Can I sit in the front with you?" "I know love, but we've got to get you more clothes. And yeah sit in the middle. Now go on I'll be there in a minute." As I put my shoes on I heard dad continue his conversation. I just grabbed my jacket and went to the car. 

Once I got the car started I leaned on Sam's shoulder. "What's the matter monkey?" "I'm just having one of those days. Do you think dad is gonna be much longer?" Before he answered dad got into the car. He pulled me closer to him after he buckled himself up. "What's wrong my love?" "Nothing I'm not well. That's all I'm gonna say." "Cheer up babe we won't be long. I know you don't like clothes shopping. We'll be only an hour." My voice cracked. "Yeah I guess." The rest of the ride was silent for the most part. Everyone else spiked conversations except for with me. I didn't even bother to speak to anyone since I wasn't in the mood to. My thoughts were interrupted when dad parked the car and grabbed my arm. "Come on we're here." I crawled out the drivers side and grabbed onto dad's hand. "Let go for a minute so I can do my jacket up." I let go of dad's hand and started walking off. "Sammy wait there and don't cross the road." I stopped at the front of the parking lot. There were tons of cars coming in my direction. I was scared. I looked back and saw dad struggling to do his jacket up. "Daddy come. It's not safe here." I felt the wind hit me once car's kept passing by. He put his hand on my shoulder. "It's all right love. No one is gonna hurt you. The cars can see you." He kissed my head.

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