Chapter Eleven ~ Freedom

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It's been about five days now. We decided to stay another night. Dad from what I've heard is still at home trying to figure out what to do with himself. I cry for him every now and then. I still just want to go home. He and I have exchange of words and they were fairly good ones. He sounded a bit healthier and Cas confirmed he hadn't had a drink since the day we got out. Cas said he was a little on edge cause of the withdrawl symptoms, but otherwise he was okay. He said dad missed me and speaking to me on the phone was unbearable. I understood because every time I got to call him I was kind of upset too. I just wanted to see him. 

After tonight's call I was a little upset like I said before. Dad wanted me to come home like usual but Sam insisted we had one more night up here just for safe keeping. We weren't even allowed to have our call one on one. I had to have it on speaker phone so Sam could hear him. It was whatever, as long as I got to speak with him. That's all that mattered. 

I was kind of sad now, and since Sam was in the kitchen I couldn't tell him. Crowley saw my look of unhappiness. "Sweetie it'll be alright. You'll see your dad in a few days." I groaned. "You guys said that two days ago and it's been a few more days. I just want him." Sam came back in the living room with something for me to eat. "Am I not good enough? Here's your food. Eat up my darling." I forgot to mention I've been forced to eat food all day every day this week. Since we've been up here I have managed to keep in my food and gain another five pounds. So now I weigh eighty pounds. Sam said he has noticed some improvements in me, but I don't see them at all. 

I sighed as he handed me the plate of food. "What's the matter baby?" "You know what's the matter. I just wanna see daddy. Why can't I video call him? I just wanna see him please Sam." He had to think for not even a minute before he came up with his sarcastic answer. "No. You're not video calling him. We'll go home in a few days. Which is going to be Saturday okay." "Unca it's only Tuesday! Please don't make me wait four more days." "Just be patient my love. You're gonna have to be patient. Now eat your food." I sat there eating my food while he scrolled through the t.v. guide. I noticed when I was upset I felt like being sick while eat. Which right now I felt awful. "Uncle Sam I don't wanna eat anymore. My stomach hurts." He looked over and noticed I had only ate at least two pieces of broccoli off my plate. The meal was potatoes and broccoli since that's all I'd ever eat. Except for the occasional chicken or pizza. They were still giving me whatever food I wanted just so I'd eat. "Sammy you ate two out of four pieces of broccoli. There's still six potatoes on the plate that you haven't even touched yet. Eat up or you can't have any ice cream." "I don't want any ice cream. I just want to relax." He took a potato and put it on my fork. "Here eat this." Once I opened my mouth to complain he shoved it in there. I snatched my fork back and then decided he wasn't going to play any of my games so I'd might as well just eat. 

When I was actually finished Sam took my plate into the kitchen and exchanged it for ice cream just like he said. It was the routine we had since we got here. The first two days I just threw up everything. But after my body got used to the food it simmered down a bit. So I've been eating fine now. Well the odd time I regurgitate my food, but not as much as usual. He decided to trade it up a bit and hand me an ice cream sandwich. "Um Sam is there a reason you were changing things up before telling me?" "I'm sorry sweetie we don't have ice cream you like. Is this okay?" "Yeah it's okay. I was just wondering what happened. Are we gonna watch a show tonight or play something?" He smiled and took my garbage. "Well I was thinking we could play a game or something. Leila has been asking to play a game so we can do that if you so choose." I was excited. "Yay! I wanna play Clue. Can we? Can we?" "Yes my love we can play. Go get it from the bookcase over there please." "Okay unca." I finished my ice cream sandwich and ran over to the bookcase. 

I brought over the game but stopped midway when I heard Sam and Leila talking. It was almost that whisper that parents have when they're hiding something from their kids. Dad does it to me when he's talking with Cas the odd time. I pretended to still be getting the game. "Cas told me Dean's acting weird since the with drawl. He just has been begging Cas to let us bring her home. Then he says he almost broke and grabbed the booze. But Cas has thrown all of it out. I have no idea what to do. Should we go home early? He's not been violent as far as Cas knows. Should we risk it?" I heard her scoff. "Sam we're not ruining her success here. She has been doing well. Every time they're together one of them goes down hill. Maybe he can visit up here, but only if Cas drives and doesn't tell him the address. I don't want her to go from gaining to losing you know." He sighed and agreed with her. I was startled when he called out for me to bring the game to the living room. "I'm coming unca." I ran back into the living room faking my happiness. 

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