Chapter Twelve ~ The Edge Of Heaven

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(Three months later) 

(May 8th)

My it's been a less hectic three months. I've in total gained about fifty pounds and look much better than I've ever looked. I also feel so great. The doctor said Ponyboy was a healthy weight so we didn't have any worries. Dad has been sober for four months now, and he's been doing great as well. I'm happy for him. We've been much better as a family after this improvement. No one's argued much, beat each other up, or thrown each other into the wall. We've had a good few months. 

I was excited for today. I was supposed to be going into the hospital so I could be induced. I didn't wanna go but I knew they said I was a risk. The risk was I could possibly die during birth so they wanted to monitor me. We were going at eight thirty tonight so I had all day to get ready. I woke up this morning feeling tired. I was laying beside Crowley in my bed. He was more excited about this baby than I was at the moment. It was seven thirty and he was wide awake when I got up. He was reading something on the computer. "Hey sweetie did you know that people who are having their first child might either have it early or late?" I sat up. "Crowley why are you so into this pregnancy stuff?" "Because I am. I've never had a child before. I'm just excited that's all." "Oh I wasn't complaining. I was just wondering. I mean I've never had a kid before either but okay. Whatever floats your boat." I laid against his shoulder while reading what he was reading. 

We haven't gone back to the old house. Well I haven't anyways. They went to retrieve some things. I didn't want to go back to the place where all the bad things happened. This new home was nice and full of positive vibes. Dad grabbed as much as he could before being spotted by the neighbors. They haven't seen us in literally three and a half months. When they stopped dad to question why we weren't there he told them we had a mold spread through our house. Which wasn't true but it wasn't any of their business to what was actually going on. So he never really said much to anyone after that.

I decided to get up and go see what dad was up to since Crowley was obsessing over today. I walked up to his and Cas' room since we were still on the main floor. They were already awake. I just entered their room. "Hello baby how was your sleep?" "It was fine. Pony was moving a lot so I think maybe by tonight he'll be here." I climbed onto their bed. Dad felt my stomach. "Wow he's a kicker. Are you feeling any pain? Like the doctor said." "Just a little tightness around my stomach, but nothing more. I'm scared dad. I feel like something's gonna happen once I give birth." He played with my hair. "Sammy nothing's gonna happen. You're just over thinking. Don't even over work yourself because it's going to stress you and the baby." I sighed. "Okay I'll calm down I promise."  He smiled. "That's my girl." I grabbed onto his hand. "Dad do you think that I'll be a good mom?" "Of course you'll be a good mom. It's a tough thing to be but you'll be a great mom." "Thanks dad. Are you gonna be there when I'm being induced?" He lifted me up a bit closer to him. "Yes of course. I wouldn't miss it for a moment. My grandson being born is going to be the second best moment of my life." I giggled. "Daddy what was the first?" "Well when you were born of course. You're the best moments of my life. You're my baby and will always be my baby." "Even when I'm thirty?" "Well of course even when you're thirty. Ponyboy will be my second baby. Well he'll be my boy." "Yeah I'm glad. Will I stay with you forever dad?" "Yeah I don't wanna lose you to Crowley. I wanna see my grandson all the time." "Okay good and I'll never keep him from you. I promise you that and I've explained it to Crowley over and over. He said if anything ever happens to me he won't take him away from you I promise." Dad nodded and kissed my cheek. 

Dad, Cas, and I laid there for another hour before getting up. Sam came by and looked at us. "You three gonna get up. I wanna get her something to eat before she goes in tonight. She needs to be up and eating." As soon as I heard the words food and eating I was up. "No need to worry about her. She'll be more than happy to eat. Sammy go with uncle Sam and then we'll be out there soon." I grabbed Sam's hand and we both went out to the kitchen. On our way there I was getting some sharp pains. "Ooh Sam hold on." "Something wrong sweetie?" "I felt some pains in my lower stomach." "You okay?" "Yes just some small pains that's it. Lets go in the kitchen I'm starving." He laughed. "Okay babe will do." We both walked into the kitchen together. I saw Leila making something. "What are you making Leila?" I asked. "Pancakes and bacon. How's baby Pony?" "He's moving a lot but he's okay. I have a feeling he'll be here soon." "Ah well if you keep on moving around I know with my first son that's how I got him to move out. Adam was a tough one to get out, but he was easy once I got him going. Not to be crude or anything, but doing the sex will help with labor. Or even exercise will do. I've got seven kids and all of them were easy births after that. I recommend you get the epidural. I know you're not good with pain so I recommend it for you. Come and sit and I'll give you some pancakes." I came and sat at the table. "Thank you and do you think I will be early or late?" "Depends sweetie and you're welcome." I rubbed my stomach. "Here this may be your last meal in here Pony." I then saw dad come in with Cas and Crowley. "Sweetie you eating?" "Yes dad." I kept eating. Everyone else joined in on us eating. 

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