Chapter Ten ~ Praying For Time

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Well this week got off to a great start so far. Dad was really happy for some reason. It was like he was high every day this week. I couldn't even tell or if I tried he was burnt out. Sam was pretty chill for most of the week too. So everyone here was just acting weird besides me. I didn't know what to do. 

Today started off like any other day. I woke up around six and went downstairs to get a start on eating. I was scared right off when I saw dad sitting in the living room. I just continued on with my scheduled routine. I didn't care what he was going to do. He's been sitting down here at any hour he hears me wake up. So for instance I could be awake at four in the morning and he'd be down here waiting for me. What makes it worse is that he won't even speak to me. He'll just sit there and observe my behaviour. It's just so awkward. 

He finally broke the ice as he came into the kitchen. "And why are you up?" I ignored him for a moment since I had food shoved in my mouth. I was also trying to hide what I was doing from him. "Sam will you answer me. I just want to know why you're awake." "I couldn't sleep dad. That's all. Could you please leave now." I just wanted him to leave so I could take this new pain medication I was prescribed last week. It was for something I can't remember now. Dad doesn't know about them since I went by myself. They're the best things I've had in a while. No one knows about them. I think they're Tylenol threes. Not too sure though. It was a great drug for pain though. I've hidden them in my room for now just so dad can't find them. "Sam you usually stay in bed for a bit even if you can't sleep. So why are we down here sitting on the kitchen floor?" I quickly gulped back the rest of my food and pill before answering him. "I was just hungry dad. So you don't have to worry. I was sitting on the floor because I felt a little dizzy." "Okay so how about now you get up and we can go upstairs so you can lay in bed." "No I'm fine down here." "Sam it's quarter after six. You're going back up." "Yeah okay whatever you say dad." He looked more agitated now. "You know what I'm not going to even give you the option. We're going back upstairs." He then grabbed me by the hair to pull me up. "Ow Dad! Stop pulling on my hair!" He grabbed me by my night dress and started dragging me. I couldn't get onto my feet since he was just dragging me. 

Thank god we were stopped in the hall by Sam. "Dean let her go. She's not doing any harm down here. I was going to come down and see what she was doing. So you can go back up there. So leave her alone." He sighed as he shoved me into Sam's side. "Thank you. Dean go back to sleep. You haven't slept in a while." "I'm not resting until she's taken care of. But if you insist I go upstairs I will. Take care of her please." "Dean I will now please just go to bed. She and I will be fine. Now scram please." I just looked at dad as he ran upstairs. Sam then grabbed my hand and pulled me up. "What did you do to piss him off this morning? You know he hasn't had a decent good nights sleep in two days." "I didn't know that and I was just eating." He just shook his head. "Yeah well he needs sleep right now. So I'd take it easy on him." "I need sleep right now. I've not been sleeping since four this morning. I got out of bed at six cause I was hungry." He rolled his eyes. "Sam you only went to bed at one. Why didn't you at least try to go back to bed?" "You don't think I tried to? Since I did and it clearly didn't work." "Okay don't yell at me sweetie. I wasn't trying to be so mean." "I know and I'm trying not to yell." We walked together into the living room. 

"How many of those pain killers have you taken this week?" I just gave him a glare. "Only the amount prescribed why? You didn't tell dad I'm taking them did you?" "Of course not. Also will you tell me the truth. I've checked the bottle Sam and you can't have been taking one per day like you've said." "Sometimes I take two or three. Just that I promise. I'm sorry if you're so concerned." "You need to stop doing that. It's not safe. If you continue I'm taking them away." We were both startled by dad. "Taking what away?" "Her fucking music player thing. She was blasting music the other day while you and Cas were gone out. That's all." I yawned before dad sat down beside us. "Sammy what have you been up to lately?" "Not a whole lot dad. Why haven't you been able to sleep?" "If I knew I'd tell you sweetie. Now why have you been getting up frequently?" "I am just not so tired anymore." "Oh that's not good." I smiled at him. "So what do we have planned for today?" Dad asked. "You're really asking me dad? I plan to stay inside." "Well too bad since we've got to go to the doctor's office." "Okay dad you know what I really hate. When you ask me a question that you already know the answer to. Like seriously you couldn't have just said we were going to the doctors." He chuckled. "I enjoy pissing you off that's why." I rolled my eyes and walked away from them. 

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