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"Push! You have to keep pushing M'lady."
A servant urged to her lady whom was in immense pain.
"Ahhggghh it hurts!"
"We're almost done M'lady, just one more push!"
And so she pushed, and out came a babe. A babe more quiet than a calm river, and paler than a winter moon.
"I-is she stillborn? Why isn't my baby crying?!" The woman screamed, hysterical tears falling from her eyes.
"Please calm down M'lady. The child is not stillborn, merely blessed by the gods. Her eyes are already open at only seven minutes old, and she already has hair. Were it not for her small size and the fact that I helped birth her, I would think your baby isn't a newborn." The midwife smiled down at the small child, staring into pale silver-purple eyes surrounded by a ring of pitch black.
"Let me see, let me hold my daughter just once... Please." The mother sobbed, holding her weak arms out.
"She's beautiful, but I never wanted her." She whispered.
"To forever remind this child that she came into this world unwanted, I will name her... Tsumi. My dear, abhorred Tsumi." The mother's hands fell limp and her daughter tumbled to the floor as her mother's head fell back against her pillows and she breathed her last breath.
And so begins the story of Tsumi. This is the story of a sin, born the daughter of a concubine and an emperor who took what he wanted. Born from a sin, born of rape, and born the wrong gender in palace where only sons were bore. This is the story of the abhorred Tsumi; the hated sin.

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