Seven: Her Letters to a Dragon

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"Tsumi-hime, a letter from the princess of the Hiryuu Castle came for you." Akio said quietly upon his return the next evening. The Shadow Empire was on land that lied between the Kouka Kingdom and the Land of Rice Paddies, and as such, the Emperor of the Country of Shadows communicated with both lands frequently. Over time, however, Princess Yona of Hiryuu Castle became pen pals with Princess Tsumi of the Shadow Empire. Of course, Tsumi knew that Yona was far older than her, But she was dimwitted so it was almost as if Tsumi was the older one. Tsumi nodded, taking the letter and opening it, careful not to tear the parchment.

'Dear Tsumi-hime,
I haven't heard from you in a while, I got a letter from a castle server of yours that you left the castle to negotiate; that's so amazing! Hak is as mean as ever, and Soo-won treats me like such a child. It's like it's impossible for him to see me as anything other than his baby cousin. How can I make him see me like a woman?! My birthday is in seven months, I'm so excited! But I'm also not because I know I'll have to show up with this ugly, wild red mess atop my head. Even though it's my birthday, I'll be the uggliest girl there. I suppose my cute face makes up for that though. Oh, I have to go, Soo-won is here. Write me back soon!'
Tsumi rolled her eyes. The only thing that red head princess ever thinks about is her hair and her precious Soo-won.

You are still naïve as ever. Should Soo-won actually come to see you as a woman he would first court you. Then he would propose and after your marriage you would have to bare his children. Meaning you would have to have sexual intercourse with him. It is nice to hear from you again. Perhaps I will visit you if ever I am in the Kouka Kingdom. Do try to stay out of trouble. Give Hak, Soo-won and your father my greetings.
Tsumi handed the neatly tied parchment to Akio to deliver. "Give it to a messenger to deliver. I don't want you to leave." She spoke into his mind. Tsumi was becoming increasingly more protective over her white haired companion. The fact that she could not see his death, it bothered her. It tore her apart and ate at her mind; knowing that she wouldn't know when he would leave her. She couldn't stand the thought of it. She'd become so dependent on him, that even the thought of him dying, frightened her completely.
"Of course, Tsumi-hime... Um... Do you want me to pack your bags for our departure tomorrow morning?" Tsumi nodded, smiling slightly at Akio's rare display of awkwardness.
"I'll help." She smiled, her voice soft, barely above a whisper due to the misuse of it.
After helping Akio pack, Tsumi went to go say goodbye to Gaara. The small village paths were winding and quiet at this time of night. Not many people were out, with the exception of the occasional ninja or straggler civilian.
A knock sounded throughout the house. Gaara ran to open the door, laughing as his uncle tried to catch him. He flung the door open, grinning wider when he saw Tsumi. His grin faltered when she wouldn't meet his eyes, looking everywhere but at him.
"G-Gaara." She stuttered out. Gaara stared in awe, this being the first time he had ever heard her voice aside from when they first met.
"A-ano.. I have to leave." She whispered, finally looking up at him. She flinched at the look in his eyes. He looked so angry, but mostly, he looked betrayed.
"I was only here as a tool of negotiation. I'll come back, I promise." She smiled. And despite it all, after hearing her voice, Gaara found it impossible to remain upset as she launched herself at him, embracing him in a hug. He rubbed her back, slowly, nodding against her head in understanding.
"Well I really hope you come back Tsumi-hime, Gaara needs someone around whose shorter than him." Yashamaru laughed. Tsumi huffed into Gaara's stomach. At nine years old, she didn't even reach his chest. Albeit he was older than Her, but only by two years.
"I'll see you soon." Gaara smiled as Tsumi nodded. She turned to walk away, then she looked back and pecked him on his cheek before walking as quickly as her tiny legs would take her.

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