Ten: Target Practice

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"...And that concludes our lesson on chakra, now please everybody li-" a knock sounded at the door. Iruka looked towards it for a second before telling his students to make a line near the window. He walked to the door, opening it. Iruka's eyes  widened considerably at who stood before him.
"Hime-sama." He breathed out. This small exclamation sent the classroom of small students into a frenzy of hushed whispers and curious sneak peaks. The class stared curiously at the door as Iruka spoke to the supposed princess on the other side of the door. He stepped back suddenly, opening the door. A small girl walked in, accompanied by a boy who looked twice her age. She gave a slight wave before looking to Iruka. He nodded subtly in the direction of a bench seat towards the back. There was enough space for three people, excluding the one person who already occupied the bench; a timid looking girl with pale violet eyes and short, dark purple hair. All eyes were on the new arrivals as they both walked up the stairs in the middle aisle and sat down on the bench. The princess sat first, scooting into the middle with space between her and the girl who already occupied the seat. The boy sat down after her, occupying the small space on the outside of the bench seat and scooting close enough to touch the princess. Class began again, but nobody paid any attention. Tsumi's mind was set on getting to see Yona finally. Akio was thinking about Tsumi, and the entire class was thinking about the princess and the boy who appeared to be her right hand.
"I'd like everybody to please line up next to the door. We're going to practice with shuriken and kunai now."
Once everybody was lined up at the door, Iruka began to file them all out of the classroom and toward another room. This room was spacious and empty save for a few targets, the doors, and the stairs that led up to the doors. Their names were called in alphabetical order. First up was a kid named Batsu. He had tan skin, green eyes and even darker green hair. His kunai hit the target with perfect precision, but his shuriken missed the target completely. He  scratched the back of his head sheepishly as he walked over to the wall opposite to the one the rest of the students were lined up on. The re-throw wall, for everybody who needed to go again and continue practicing. Next was a chubby kid named Choji. He had messy red hair. A red swirl mark on either cheek stood out on his fair skin. He shoved another handful of chips into his mouth before throwing the blunted kunai knife given to him. It hit the side of the target, in between the bulls eye and the outer ring. His shuriken had the same result. Hinata, the girl Tsumi sat next to, came next. Both her kunai and shuriken hit the blue ring just next to the bulls eye. After her was a taller girl named Ino. She winked smugly at a girl with bright pink hair and relatively fair skin. Her long blonde hair was in a ponytail, and she had pretty blue eyes surrounded by a ring of black. She positioned herself confidently before throwing her kunai. It hit the bulls eye perfectly. Her shuriken had the same result. She smiled shyly back at a brooding boy towards the back of the line near Tsumi before walking over to the stairs where the group who passed sat. After Ino came a boy named Katsuo. He had black hair and slightly tanned skin. He threw both shuriken and kunai with perfect precision, smiling smugly as he walked over to flirt with Ino whom rejected him bluntly, shooting a look towards the brooding kid again. Kiba came next. He had creamy brown skin with a red undertone, shaggy black hair, and dark eyes. Two red fangs under either eye showed which clan he was from. He flashed a cocky grin before throwing his kunai. It missed completely. His cheeks flamed as red as the fangs under his eyes as everybody snickered, aside from the lazy boy, the brooding boy, the princess, and her right hand boy. His shuriken hit the target, but promptly fell off as it wasn't thrown hard enough. He walked over to where Batsu sat against the wall, eyes downcast. 
"ALRIGHT! I'M NEXT BELIEVE IT!" a hyperactive blonde boy shouted, causing Tsumi to flinch as his loud voice reached her sensitive ears. He bound up to the front, snatching the kunai from Iruka's hand, ignoring any and all instruction Iruka was trying to tell him.
Somebody shouted, causing him to whip around just as he let go. The kunai barreled straight for Tsumi. Everybody watched with baited breath as it flew straight for her eye. The white haired boy who accompanied her stepped in at the last minute, catching the fast flying kunai inches before it impaled her eye. She gave a discreet nod to him just before he threw the kunai back with double the force. It hit the bulls eye, going through it completely and coming out the other side. The students gaped, throwing themselves into an uproar before Iruka called them back to order.
He walked dejectedly over to the redo wall with Kiba and Batsu. The pink haired girl that Ino seemed to taunt with her smug look earlier was up next. Her green eyes were calculating as she positioned herself, concentrating solely on the target. She threw her shuriken first. It hit the yellow strip with a dull thump before falling to the floor. She didn't throw it hard enough. She took a deep breath before throwing her kunai. It hit the bulls eye before falling to the floor just like her shuriken. She began to walk over to the redo wall.
"Ah Sakura, you don't need to re throw." Iruka smiled, nodding over to the group of students by the door. She fist bumbed the air before jogging over to them, giving Ino a smug smile. Next was Sasuke. The brooding boy who seemed to be the object of affection for every girl in the class aside from Hinata and Tsumi. It seems he doesn't remember me. Tsumi thought to herself. He threw his shuriken and kunai lazily, hitting both on the bulls eye perfectly. Shikamaru was next. His black hair was tied into a spiky ponytail that resembled a pineapple. He lazily threw both of his blunted weapons before sighing and walking over to the door. Everybody turned their attention to the new girl, watching as Tsumi seemingly glided forward with quiet footsteps. She took both blunted blades, handing the shuriken to Akio to hold. Pale, slender fingers barely peeked out from beneath her kimono as she threw the kunai. It was off course. A shadow shot forward, almost imperceptible, pushing the kunai to the side, just before it hit the target. It landed in the middle. A small smirk tugged at the corners of Akio's lips. Shikamaru's and Iruka's eyes narrowed. Akio handed her the shuriken. It hit the bulls eye this time without the interference of Tsumi's shadows. Everybody who passed was dismissed while the three who failed were instructed to keep practicing.

(I finally have another chapter up! Anyyyways, if you're still reading this book, thank you! And a new chapter will be coming soon now that my inspiration is back!(

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