Nine: Yona & Naruto

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Two Years Later
(Tsumi is now eleven going on twelve. Naruto and the other genin are thirteen and the beginning of the Naruto: Land of Waves arc that takes place just before the Shippuden plot, is just starting. Also the picture is the symbol for the shadow village.)
"The alliance has been confirmed. The alliance between the Land of Fire and the Country of Shadows has been permanently sealed. This alliance can never be broken as long as these two countries still exist. You can leave now Tsumi." The Daimyo spoke in his usual bland voice, silently encouraging them to hurry up and leave. Akio rolled his eyes, taking Tsumi's hand and leading her away.
"What will we do now, Tsumi?" Akio asked. Over the years, the two had grown ever closer and had both dropped the titles and honorifics previously used for one another.
"We will go to the Village Hidden in Leaves where the two of us will become Ninja. Then we will leave to explore the world. And go see the ever impatient Yona. I think she just turned fifteen." Tsumi smiled, speaking into his mind. Akio nodded.
"I'm sure she's already got it in her mind that she's a woman now." Akio joked. Tsumi nodded.
"She'll probably try and convince her dad to let her marry Soo-won after she turns sixteen." Tsumi said, now on a more serious note.
"It won't go well, I can feel it. I want to be there for her sixteenth birthday, no matter what."
Akio nodded in response.
They began their walk to the leaf village. The walk through the dense trees of the land of fire was mostly peaceful aside from the occasional traveler. Every traveler they passed by, Akio would greet them kindly while Tsumi would ignore them.
"Ahh, hello dearies. Two kids like you shouldn't be out in these forests alone, you stay safe ya hear? I've got my dear Kumi-mae to keep me safe." An old woman laughed, patting a younger, very buff woman on the stomach. Akio smiled kindly, bowing.
"I'm glad you have somebody to keep you safe. We'll be okay, have a good day." Akio said quietly. Tsumi simply stood by his side quietly. She stiffened slightly when the older woman looked at her.
"And you too dearies. My what a pretty girl you are. What's your name?"
Tsumi stayed silent, standing stiffly and looking straight ahead. The younger woman scoffed. The old lady gasped, seemingly appalled. She hit Tsumi over the head with her cane.
"How rude! Teach that girl some manners!" The old lady shouted before marching off. Akio snickered as Tsumi pouted.
"I don't like old people." She whispered as she began walking again. By now, Akio was used to her entrancing voice, so it didn't have much of an effect on the golden eyed boy.
Within the next hour, the pair came to the large gates of the Hidden Leaf.
"State your name and buisness, if you're a ninja please show proof of your ID." Two lethargic voices rang out in perfect sinc. Akio bowed politely.
"This is Princess Tsumi of the Country of Shadows. She's just completed an alliance between the Country of Fire and the Country of Shadows. Our buisness is with the Hokage." His tone was polite, but also stern in a way that told the two gate guards that they shouldn't meddle in buisness of this sort. Not that they could anyway, Tsumi had a scroll that proved she was the princess.
"Um. Right, I'll take you to him." One guard, with a bandage over his nose, stood, holding his arms out. Tsumi and Akio each took one. The gate guard made a hand sign, and in a poof of smoke they appeared outside of the Hokage's office. He knocked. And after moment of silence, he nodded his head as if he were confirming something, and opened the door. He guided both Akio and Tsumi inside, and was gone in another cloud of smoke.
"It is nice to see you again, Sarutobi-sama. Please have your ANBU leave so that we may talk in private." Tsumi greeted, speaking into the minds of every person within hearing range and moving her lips along with the words she thought so that nobody would think she wasn't talking.
"I think you'll have to use your own voice for that, Tsumi-hime." The hokage said seriously. He knew she hated using her voice, and he also knew she trusted very few, he wanted to see if she was willing to reveal herself to a multitude of ANBU just to get what she wanted. Her eyes hardened as she fixed an emotionless look at him. She pulled a small piece of paper out of a pocket in her hanfu and began to write.
'Put me in the graduating genin class, but do not pass me when they graduate.'
She handed the paper to the Hokage.
"Why?" He asked, his brows furrowed. He was proud that she didn't abuse the power she had, it made the world just a little bit safer, but he also knew that she didn't actually have loyalties, further than buisness, to anybody. Tsumi sighed, taking an entire writing pad off of his desk.
'I want to observe children my age. Gain... Friendships. But I don't want to become a ninja because as a ninja the village would need me and I wouldn't be able to travel the world and explore freely as I wish.'
The hokage nodded, reading along as she wrote.
"I see. Well, I'll put you in the graduating class. But, you will become a ninja. You can travel the world as you see fit, but when I call for you with my eagles, you must come." He smiled. Tsumi thought for a second before nodding. The hokage handed her a dark green head band with the leaf symbol on it. Tsumi tied it around her waist, just underneath the black headband that had the symbol for the shadow village on it. She'd trained under the In'eikage, who was more of a father to her than anybody else. The shadow village symbol was a circle that was open at the very top, a little less than half way. Going through the circle was a long strike with a smaller circle at the top of the strike and in the center of where the larger circle opened up. At the very bottom of the large circle was the bottom half of a triangle. She looked at the Hokage in confusion.
"I am going to pass you no matter the circumstances, so I will give that to you now, however, don't mistake my intentions. Just because you have this, does not mean that you will be exempted from certain things and given special treatment. You are a valuable asset, therefore I am making an exception not only for an ally, but for a friend."
Tsumi nodded before turning and leaving. Just as she opened the door and walked out, a head of blonde and two cerulean orbs flitted past her, barreling into the Hokage's office.
The nine tails.
(A/N: I'VE owed you guys this chapter for a while... And now that I'm re reading it, it is not even that good. It's mostly just a filler I guess... But not to worry, I've got plans for this book so stay tuned for more! Thanks cottonball troupe! <3)

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