Five: Her Silent Agreement

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"T-Tsumi-hime, I didn't know you'd be bringing a guest, I would have better prepared." Yoko stammered out as her eyes darted between her master and the man with whom she arrived. He had white hair and two pools of molten honey gold eyes with red crescents under each one. He wore a black and gold mask that resembled a fox, a hole in the mask revealed his mouth. On his ears were earrings that dangled down. The earrings had a blue bead with white strands that dangled down and shifted in the breeze. He wore a black outfit with gold details. The cuffs were white with three gold lines at the edge, he had a red rope sash tied around his upper half and he wore black gloves. Tsumi ignored Yoko, and climbed into the carriage, hand in hand with her attendant. Once they were inside, she spoke into his mind.
"What is your name?"
When he was silent, she knew her answer.
"You will be called Akio. You will be my shield, my right hand, and my voice."
"Yoko. Report to the In'eikage. Then return to receive and deliver the treaty. These are the orders of Tsumi." Akio stood at attention as he relayed his lady's message. They stood at the border of the country of wind, Tsumi was nowhere in sight.
"O-of course..." Yoko agreed. Slightly apprehensive, she turned the empty carriage around and rode away without looking back. Tsumi appeared moments later with two escorts from suna. She turned, following the escorts without offering an explanation. But Akio needed no explanation, and so he followed her without a doubt.
Their walk to suna through blazing hot suns and deserts was long and tiring, but neither Tsumi nor Akio showed signs of exhaustion.


I couldn't see your death that day." Tsumi spoke in his mind, expressing something that had been bothering her. If she was unable to see his death, then she could not prepare for the loss of someone she'd grown to care for. She was shocked from her internal thoughts when she felt herself being lifted off the ground and placed onto somebody's back.
"Don't worry. I won't leave you anytime soon." Akio whispered softly. A small smile graced her face as she rested her head in the crook of his neck, taking in his scent. They had long since abandoned the carriage since it wouldn't move through the sand. After another hour of walking, the sun was at its peak in the sky and they had just approached a large wall. The wall had one way in and one way out, which was guarded by a great number of guards.
"Welcome back Wan, Daiki." The guards greeted their comrades before bowing to Tsumi.
"It's a pleasure to meet you, Tsumi-hime. I'd like to speak with you on business terms later, but for now, feel free to enjoy yourself." The Kazekage spoke formally, offering Tsumi meaningless pleasantries.
"We will discuss business this evening. I assume you want to renew your alliance with my father?" She spoke into Akio's mind, letting him arrange any verbal agreements.
"Tsumi-hime is prepared to make business arrangements with you this evening, assuming that you'd like to speak about the possibility of renewing the alliance you have with the emperor and the In'eikage." Akio said. His voice was devoid of any emotion, and he spoke with a strictly professional tone. The Kazekage's children, who were present in the room, stared curiously at Akio and Tsumi, wondering why it was Akio who spoke and not Tsumi.
"I am Tsumi-hime's right hand. I act as her voice when she needs me to." Akio explained, eliminating the obvious question in the room, but enticing another.
"Very well. I assume you'll be present during our meeting this evening then?"
Akio nodded.
"Temari, show them to their rooms. Gaara, they are not to be harmed in any way, am I understood." The Kazegake hissed, glaring at his red haired son.
"Yes." He ground out, glaring right back at his father through the dark curtain that separated them.
Tsumi's eyes flashed, recognizing the hostility and grudges held between father and son. Her impression of them formed then, as she realized things about them that not even they could see. This change in attitude did not go unnoticed by Akio, and he squeezed her hand, offering reassurance and comfort.
"This way." Temari said quietly, walking out of the Kazegake's office and down the hall.

After settling into their room for the day, it was already late afternoon, almost evening, and Tsumi was plagued with the exhaustion she hid earlier from having the blazing sun beat down onto her pale, light-sensitive skin. After changing into a sleeping gown, she lied down, leaving Akio to do as he pleased. He chose, instead of leaving to enjoy himself, to stay by her side as she slept; and soon enough, he too was asleep.

Late that night, Tsumi awoke. Her mind was hazy and she looked to be in a daze. Her eyes were clouded as she sat up in bed and stepped onto the cold wooden floor with bare feet. Unable to go back to sleep, she left her room, choosing to climb onto the roof and watch the stars. She counted the constellations and watched as the stars moved slowly, distorting the images and patterns she made in the sky. Her mind wondered as she stared up into the dark sky, sparkling with shiny stars. She remembered days of looking up to the sky, hoping to see the stars or the moon illuminating something, anything. She remembered how she was always in the dark, because the country of shadows didn't allow hardly any light to enter, and what little light was able to come through, was quickly snuffed out. She turned her head, looking back at the boy behind her. He had seemed so much older in the office, but now that she really looked at him, he didn't seem much older than her. Perhaps he was older by a year or two. Sand swirled around his feet, dancing around him as if it were alive. Neither of them spoke. Their eyes spoke for them. And then their silent conversation was broken, as the boy looked away and began to walk off.
"Please Stay." Tsumi spoke, her lips moving slowly. Her voice was hypnotic, and the small boy found himself unable to disobey. His feet stayed rooted to the ground and his eyes stared ahead, wide in confusion and slight fear.
"I won't hurt you." She said into his mind, deciding not to speak again unless absolutely necessary. She hated what her voice did to the people around her. It forced them into submission. But she was so desperately trying to prevent him from running away, that she used it. The small, red headed boy turned around, facing her, and sat down. He didn't come any closer to her, staying near the door that led onto the roof. He sat behind her, staring up at the sky as she did the same. A bond formed between them as a silent, unspoken agreement was made. They weren't friends, no they weren't friends. And they may never be friends, but for the time being, they would stay with each other. They would sit with the other in the dark, until they were both able to walk away on their own.

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