What now?

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She's gone.

Where do they look?

Will they find her...ever?

Dean picked himself off the ground and grabbed Emily's gun and knife off the ground. His pain was consuming him but she tried to stay brace. For Emily. Just as she is for him. Sam followed helping Cas up on the way out.

They stepped over the big black spot where she was taken and out the room. The stench of the dead bodies was stronger but didn't seem to bother Dean. Once he got outside her almost broke. Seeing the truck next to the Impala was making the pain dig deeper and deeper in his body.

Walking to the truck first he noticed the keys still in the ignition. Sam finally exited the warehouse with Cas.

"Sam, i'm going to take the truck home."

"Are you sure?"

"Sam I'm fine."

But he really wasn't.

Sam gave Dean a weak smile and watched him step up into the truck and drive off.

"Cas we need to watch him."

"What do you mean Sam?"

"He will try anything to get Emily back. And I mean anything. So we just need to keep caution around him."

"Okay Sam."

The Impala started with a pur and they drove off into the early morning sun on their way back to Bobby's. Once they finally got back it was midnight and Dean was not there yet. A bit of concern struck Sam as he pulled up but it would give him a chance to talk to Bobby and tell him everything first.

Bobby greeted broken Sam and the humble angel.

"What's wrong?"

The pain hurt Sam too much. He headed for the kitchen table to sit.

"Sam it's okay. I will tell Bobby."

"No.....Cas. I-I will."

"Tell me what?"

"It was a trap once we got there. Ruth had taken us and tied us three to chairs. We heard a faint knock at the door and it-it was Emily. Relief struck over all of our heads and then I but if anger. She came over to us but she wasn't our Emily. This "thing" taunted us a few times. So that when our Emily came we didn't believe her then Cas figured it was her. She united us just as Ruth appeared and threw us against the wall. Emily said yes to Ruth and said her goodbyes. Then a huge white light formed over her and they were gone in seconds."

"Oh man. But where's Dean?"

"He took Emily's truck back. I was hoping he would be here but he's probably at a bar someplace getting drunk. He's in bad shape Bobby."

"I bet he is. We all need to take a breath and cool. We will find her." Bobby gave Sam a reassuring hug and Cas left without a goodbye.

A day of calling and calling Dean passed by and Sam never went to sleep. Who knew where Dean could have been! Dead in a ditch was Sam's initial thought....but throughout the day they got worse! He was running on coffee and fumes. Finally at midnight the old blue pickup truck rumbled up the path to the house.

Sam headed straight outside to see Dean. The tuck was fine but that wasn't his top priority. Dean was.

"DEAN! What the hell man? Where have you been?"

"C-Cool it Sammy. I'm fine." *BURPP*

"Are you drunk?"

"Maybe...I picked up a 12 pack after I saw mom?"

Carry on my Wayward Daughter Where stories live. Discover now