Fallen To Rest

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Standing a few steps back, Sam was on the brink of explosion. His brother who just got shot was lying on the ground still along with his niece.

"Cas are they a-alive?" Cas reached his hands over both of them.


Sam bent down to dean and lifted his shirt. Nothing was there anymore. He was faintly breathing but no bullet wounds. Emily did it. She used her energy to fix him.

"Let's get them back to Bobby's. I'll carry Dean. You get Emily."

Sam and Cas carried the two back to the Impala and placed them in the back seat. Sam was still shaking as he latched onto the stirring wheel. Cas grabbed his shoulder to console him.

"Sam it's okay. They will both be okay. Time will tell."

"I know Cas..."

The Impala started and Sam took off blazing down the empty dirt road back to Bobby's. Three strenuous hours later, Sam reaches the old salvage yard. Bobby obviously heard the the engine rumble down the path as he came out the back door. Sam's eyes had red rings around them. Bobby knew that's face all too well. He walked slowly down those old back steps. Sam and Cas opened the passenger doors. Both carrying the Father and Daughter.

Bobby stopped Sam before he got up the stairs.
"He's not-"

"No. But it's been a very, very stressful night!"

Bobby patted his back as Sam carried unconscious Dean into the house. Finally Cas arrived at the stairs with Emily. Bobby cleared the hair out of her face.

"Are her?"

"Used way too much energy. Almost killed herself saving Dean."

"Tell me everything. But just get her inside for now...."

Bobby headed up first to hold the door for Cas as he brought Emily into her home. The one she has been gone from for a little over 3 months. It was the beginning of April now.

Sam brought Dean to a room upstairs and Cas brought Emily to her old room upstairs. Dean had been sleeping in there while she was gone. The two headed back downstairs to explain everything to Bobby.

Sam grabbed a whiskey bottle and a glass and plopped in the kitchen. His body was over exhausted from everything! Bobby and Cas slowly crept over to him. He began to pour into the glass then threw it against the wall and drank directly from the bottle.

"Woah. Sam. Calm down."

"No Bobby. You didn't not go through what I had to go through tonight."

"No I didn't kid. But tell me..."

"Let's start with getting there. Dean and I call out to Emily. After a few minutes Dean felt her. She was hidden from us. Rowena cast a spell over her and Lizz."

"Who's Lizz?"

"A girl there with Emily. Anyways, Dean felt a sudden pull always and he knew something was up. But we couldn't do anything about it. We could see her. So Dean and I started to bicker about summoning Ruth or not. And then we see her. We see Emily. She had cuts all over her face. Lizz was on the ground."

Taking another drink and he tried to hold everything back.

"What next Sam?"

"We begin to run towards her. As she we beat up pretty badly. Once we finally get to her, Lizz had a gun pointed at her. Emily got the chance grab the gun but in the process pulling the trigger. It hit Dean. Lizz took off and I never saw her again after that. Emily used what little power she had to save Dean but her nose began to bleed and then everything just went KABAM!"

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