Game Plan

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Dean woke up me once we finally hit a gas station. I dragged Carmen with me so I wasn't alone. At Midnight. At a smelly gas station. In the middle of now where.

There were two men behind the counter talking and reading the news paper. I kept squinting my eyes adjusting the the light.

Carmen went first so I leaned against the door and began to fall asleep. She pushed the door open and I stumbled forward, then turned around and headed into the bathroom. Carmen watched around to make sure I was safe in the creepy gas station. I  knocked on the door so she let me out. As we were heading out I passed by some Jerky and I couldn't help but stop and grab a pack. Midnight cravings.

One of the men headed to the back and began to stock up the drinks in the fridge. We didn't pay much attention to him or really anything. We were tired. Carmen and I were checked out by the other man who wore a name badge that said 'Jeff'.

"All set?" He kept smiling. It was getting creepy. And I think he was checking us out but to be honest I was to tired to mind.

"Yes. Thank you."

"Okay $3.27 is your total." 

"Okay here you go." I handed Jeff a $5 dollar bill and he grabbed my whole wrist and dragged me over the counter. His eyes turned black. My head slammed against the concrete floor.

"Emily! Ruth is so excited to see you again." He said pulling me off the floor with his hands around my neck and he slammed my head against the counter. He split my forehead open on the glass. I noticed the blood then looked ahead and saw the other man grab onto Carmen and fling her threw the front door. As I fell to the floor I heard a loud shatter of glass. 'Jeff' or who ever this was grabbed my neck again and slammed me against the wall. He began running his hand along my body. I would have stoped him if I could but my vision was all black spots. I couldn't breath. At all.

He began to get real close to me. "All Ruth said was that we couldn't kill you but she never said we couldn't have any fun." He got right into my ear. "You're a pretty girl."

I still couldn't breath his grip was getting tighter and tighter but I could still hear. I heard, whom I think was Dean, yell "Hey asshat! Get off of her you sick son of a bitch!"

"Winchester....this time I'll get you."
I fell hard and flat in the floor. I began to crawl towards the door then someone grabbed my leg. It was the other Demon. I began to yell at him and Sam must have heard. He came over and stabbed him right in the throat. Sam picked me up in his arms and carried me out to the car. My body was squeezed against his chest, I could hear his heart beating so fast.Before I fell asleep again I saw Carmen next to me,unconscious, then I closed my eyes slowly.

I was playing the incident over and over in my mind. It's all I thought of. And each time it replayed it go more and more intense. I woke up in a panic. I was in a motel room.

"Hey calm down kiddo. Just breathe." He handed me a glass water and I breathed deeply for a moment. I placed my hand on my forehead and instantly felt a sharp pain.

"Yeah be careful with that. I stitched those up for you last night. It will be a little tender for a bit."

"Thanks Sam." Everyone just starred at me.

"What? Why are you looking at me?"

"I can't believe this happened to you."

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