No Exit

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It took them awhile but everyone soon crashed. Jake wanted me to sleep but I couldn't. Ben's face was circling around and around and around in my head. Plus, being stuck in this strange town without anyone and not knowing where we are just hasn't settled yet. I made a huge salt circle around them and headed out into the town to see if I could find any food and water.

I passed the house we already went in and headed to what looked like a very beat up hardware store. I opened the door and the bell still rang at the top. It was fully stocked.

"We could use some of this stuff." I said to myself picking up some iron rods. My head redirected to the guns behind the mantle. I began to walk closer and my eyes immediately caught glimpse of the shot gun in the glass. The store had some vintage guns. I broke the lock to the case and grabbed the gun. I was right! It was just like my Dad's. A 1897 pump shotgun, 12 gauge 6 rounds.


I had such a big heart. Grabbing the gun I turned around and just slid down the case. Holding the gun close to me.

"What are I doing here?" My throat began to burn as I held the tears back. "Dad..please find me." I let them go and my eyes turned red.

"Oh stop your crying. You're the one I'm counting on."

I lifted my head and Ruth was bent down right in front of me. She reached to clean the tears off my cheeks but I slapped her hand away.

"What do you mean I'm the one you're counting on? And why the hell did you kill Ben....he was innocent."

"I told you all I needed a army of soilders well I actually only need one."

"So you are giving us these test to see who will survive."

"Exactly! You're so smart Emily."

"Shut up Bitch!"

"Woah now. No need to get mean. I know you will win. And Ben well he tried to run away and we can't have that now. So wake up and get prepared."

She snapped her fingers and I woke up. My clothes were sticking to the sweat in my back. I was in the hardware store still.

"I must have cried myself to sleep."

I picked myself up with the shot gun in hand and headed into the back to see if there was any food or water. Picking the lock of a storage closet I found more than just food and water bottles. It was like a mini hunters den.

Books on spells, Demons, ghosts, and more. Candles laid on the center of a Demon Trap on the floor. I grabbed the food and water and a few of the books and headed back to the base house.

Walking closer I heard yelling from inside the house. "You were supposed to keep guard with her!"

"I didn't mean to fall asleep. She made me Lizz."

"Sure she did. Now our only hope of surviving this is gone."

I kick the door open because I have no free arms and every one screams then stops. As if they were seeing a ghost again.


"Yeah. It's really me."

Lizz walked towards me to help but Jake stopped her.

"Jake let me help her!"

"How do we know it's her?"

"It's her!"

"No it's fine. Let me just out this stuff down. You can never be to cautious."

I whipped out my pocket knife and cut the edge of my wrist. "See the blood. It's me."

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