The First Test

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I held my salt gun pointed right in front of me. If anything were to jump I'd do what Dean told me "Shoot first, ask questions later". The steps beneath me creaked as I finally hit the second level. Deciding to head left down the hall, I heard running towards me and turned around a blood thirsty vamp was heading my way. I knew my gun would only piss it off so I clocked him in the head with it instead. It's knocked him out instantly.

I ran downstairs skipping steps in the process. Rachel, Lizz, and Jake all had either a gun or a machete in their midst. My adrenaline was pumping like crazy and my heart was breathing immensely.

"G-Guys, it's..."

"It's what?" Jake was getting impatient.


"Oh perfect timing. It's a vampire attack. Good thing we practiced this today."

"Wha-What do we do?"

"Get your blade and you need to take their heads off." One locked eyes with me. "Bring it bitch!" I was pretty occupied with my own vamps. So I was hoping that everyone was okay.

My back was flung flat against the wall. This damn vamp was strong! He hit my wrist against the wall multiple times until I finally heard a *SNAP* . My knife fell and my wrist broke. I got a few seconds to scan the room. Jake was good, so was Lizz, Rachel was getting a little beat up so I had to finish this guy off so I could help her.

"Son of a Bitch!" Since he broke my right wrist I had to use my left. Which actually wasn't that hard. I kicked him to the ground and began to stand up again but I got him clean in the neck. I caught my balance and lifted my eyes to Rachel. I ran over to her but I felt like I was running in slow motion. Everything just happened so fast and I didn't get to her till the last second. I watched and the fangs sunk into her neck. Her blood scream made my ears rings.

"GET OFF HER!" I kicked the vamps sorry ass to the floor. Rachel collapsed to the floor. Jake came over to help me. I kept kicking him and jake sliced his neck in one blink. Taking a few deep breathes we all ran over to Rachel. I put her head in my lap and tried to stop the bleeding. It was no use though.

Tears flooded down my face. "You're-You're going to be okay. You have to hold on." I tied to put my fingers on her but nothing happened. My head was all over the place. Focusing was not going to happen right now.


"No. Save your energy."

"It's okay." She began coughing up blood. The three of us looked frantically at each other then back her. "J-Just make sure my family is okay after this is over. P.p..p...." Her green eyes slowly shut. Never to open again.

"Rachel?! RACHEL! Oh my god..."

"Here let me set her on the couch."

I was shaking and jake picked up the body of who was once Rachel and placed her on the couch gently. Lizz helped me up.

"I'll go start to dig a hole out in the back." Jake grabbed the one of the shovels and headed outback. Lizz sat me down in a chair that was on the other side of the room away from Rachel. Blood covered my shirt, pants, and especially my hands.

"Why?" I whispered under my voice.

"Why what?"

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