Baby Steps

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"Hey Sam."

"Dean..Emily. You good?"

Dean and I looked at each other. "Yeah. We're good. Just came down for some pie."

"It's in the fridge."

"Thanks." I headed there first before joining Sam and Dean.

"So Sam, got anything?"

"Yeah. I already told Bobby. Uh But remember when jake opened that door to hell in Wyoming."

"Yeah...." His eyes dropped to his feet.

"Well I think we should head there to see if we find anything."


"Anything on Ruth."

I placed the pie in front of Dean. He dug right in. "Should we go now?" I asked.

"Uh. Up to you really. I'm good to go."

"You guys call the shots. I listen to you."

"Well it's only 1. So we would get there around 11."

"Okay. Then let's just go."


"Wait for what Dean?"

"Em and I have to finish out pie Sam."

"Oh right my apologies." Sam shut his laptop and placed his empty mug in the sink.

"Can't wait to be back in the road."

"Me too Em."

"I'm done, so I'm going to go grab my bag."

"Alright. We'll meet you in the car."

I threw, gently, my dish in the sink and headed upstairs and grabbed my already packed bag. I had forgotten about the clothes I stuck in there.  Anyways, I jumped around the bed and grabbed my phone and earbuds. My blood was pumping. I should be concerned about all of this, but I was excited. Being back on the road with my two favorite guys. What I've dreamt of for a while. The smile stuck to my face as I skipped down the steps. Maybe I was too happy and just not controlling myself but before I got to the bottom of the stairs I tripped and fell on my ass. Then I slid down the remaining steps.

I made a loud thud so everyone rushed over.

"Walk much?"

"Ouch! Really Dean?!" I extended my arms out to him. His man hands latched around my small wrists and I was to my feet in seconds.

"You okay?"

"Yeah. I'm good Sam. Just missed a damn step. Or a few."

"You still wanna go?"

"Hell yeah. Move, let's go." I walked right in between them, limping a little. My ass did hurt though. I wiped it off and headed out to the Impala. Ah! Still as beautiful as she was. I was ahead of the guys, so I reached the car first. I ran my fingers along the side of her and opened my side door. I missed how much the doors squeaked. Smelt like them. I slid in and got into my spot. Right behind Sam. So I head a clear view of Dean. And I can pick on Sam. Yeah mainly because of that.

Sam and Dean "jumped" into the car. They shook the whole thing! "You good- Got everything?"

"Yeah I'm good Dean. But wait-"


"Where is Bobby?"

"He's not coming. Just going to hang low for research and if we need anything he'll come."

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