I'm So Sorry

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It has a few weeks since the Boys found their second jar for Emily. They were stuck, and Pamela wasn't finding anything also. Dean rushing her was doing no help. She would would do nothing sometimes just to piss him off. They had an on-and-off relationship.

Since then, Emily has spread herself over half the west coast. Creating more miracles and more followers. Ruth was very pleased because once emily had everyone believe the power Ruth would receive would be like nothing before. Maybe even more powerful than the big man upstairs.

One afternoon, Dean was outside talking to Bobby on his cell and Sam came out with his laptop to show him something.

"Dean, Dean. I think we need to head to Lawerence." He was speed walking over to him.

"One sec. Bobby. What did you say Sam?"

"Look at this-"

*Dean reading out loud* "House Haunted? Shutters flying off, lights flickering, and doors slamming. Not the first time in history this house has been a trouble some. Wait- That's not.."

"Yes. Dean, that's our old house. I'm thinking the jar might be there. Maybe it's emitting energy enough to create all of this."

"Okay. Hold on. Bobby you still there?"

"Yeah I'm here kid."

"Ask Pamela when she's trying to find a lead if she's seen a White House in Lawerence. Sam just showed me an article about our old house being quote unquote haunted. We are going to check it out but we figured maybe there is a jar emitting energy."

"Maybe you guys are on to something. Go check it out and take Cas. He can get you closer."

"Alright. Call if she finds anything."

Dean hung up the phone and without any speech both boys headed to the Impala. They drove through the night since it's been almost over two months since Emily left. They just didn't care anymore. The got to the house around 1 am. They watched outside and a blue light glowed in the upstairs window. Sams old nursery window.

"Let's go in tomorrow. Don't want to freak anyone out."

"Fine Sam. But we can just camp out here till the morning."

They sat in a bit of silence until the both put their heads back and fell hard asleep. The birds chirped, sun was blinding, the parents left the house for work, and the two kids onto the school bus. Dean watched all morning since he only slept for a hour or so. Once everything was clear he hit Sam's shoulder to wake it. Sam rubbed his eyes with his palms and drove his fingers threw his hair to move it around a bit.

"Okay. Everyone is gone. Let's head inside and get out of here."


Dean made sure his gun was loaded and stuck it in the back of his pants. Sam grabbed his pick lock and they both got out of the Impala. Looking both ways, once they hit the door Dean kept guard outside and rushed sam to go faster. Once they both got inside the door slammed behind them. Dean tried to open it but it was not coming loose.

"Great. What the hell. We need to find that jar."

Dean headed upstairs first and Sam followed. They both went to Sam's old room, the one they noticed with the glowing light, and saw the Jar on the desk. It has a crack in it.

"Someone must have been trying to get the jar open and the effects caused the house to acts like it is."

"Maybe Cas can fix the Jar. If it cracks Sam, and this stuff leaks out, we're screwed."
"I know. Let get out of here and bring it back to Cas."

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