Dammit, Jake!

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"Yes,Yes, have you found anything? Oh please do sit."

"Thank you. And no. I'm very sorry. Could you tell us about the women who took you? Mrs. Evans I don't mean to make you rethink this tragedy but we need to know...detail."

"Please call me Mary. And we already told the police..."

"Well Mary. We're the FBI. Different than the local police."

Sam looked over at Dean and pointed his eyes over at Mary. Seeing how upset she was and Dean just wanted the answers. Sam did most of the talking because Dean just wanted to get everything and leave.

"Well she was a older lady. Very proper in how she spoke. Said we wouldn't get hurt unless our Son did something for her."

"Did something for her?"

"I never heard what. We were separated from Ben from the start. She had very dark hair. And maybe it was my eyes but everyone did see it so maybe the lighting but her eyes...."

"What about her eyes?" Sam and Dean both looked at each other and knew the answer but just asked anyways.

"They...They were yellow."

"Okay. Well I think that's all we need. We are continuing to look for your Child."

"Oh...okay. Alright. Thank you."

The boys scattered out of the front door back to the Impala.

"It's Ruth."

"Dean hold on."

"Sam, Dean it right. That was a exact description of Ruth."

"We need to talk to that other girl to make sure they match up. Exactly."

Sam nodded from the passenger seat and Dean drove back to the motel to change and grab there other clothes. After they grabbed a bite, the journey to Ohio had begun.


"Do you guys find it a bit odd that nothing happened today?"

"No. It's nice. Gave us time to read. Which by the way I'm going to head upstairs to see if there are any more books. The more I know the better."

"Alright. Be careful."

Lizz and I were sprawled out in the couch together reading books. Her's was on ghosts and mine was on witchcraft. There was a lot of good spells for non-witches. I found a really good one to try but a big crash interrupted me.

"Hey Lizz, we should try this-."


Lizz and I looked at each other then I grabbed my gun and her a knife then we headed over to the stairs. "Jake? Jake you okay?"

He came from the hallways all unbalanced with a few books in his hands. "Yeah. I'm good. Just fell and hit my head pretty hard. Got more books though."

"Moron." Lizz said dropping her knife and sitting back upon the couch.

"Hahaha you good for real?"

"Yeah. Thanks em."

"No problem." He smiled at me and for second I swore his eyes shimmered. Shaking it off I headed back to the living room to read them that spell.

"Okay so guys this is a spell that could help us."

"What does it do?"

"It's can send notes. So if I write down something that's recognizable from this town I could send it to my dad. Via Magic! We just need a few things."

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