Let's Get Going

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*Talking through the door* "Emily, time to get up. We are leaving now."

It was Dean. I rolled over and read the clock. 4 AM. I WAS NOT WAKING UP YET! "Just a little bit longer." I heard the door open and he came over to my bed and pulled the covers off. The cold air against my skin froze me.

"Get up. It's a days drive."

I changed as fast as I could and grabbed my bag. It was really heavy but I was still in and out so I didn't care too much. I met Bobby at the bottom of the stairs.

"Em, you go finish this okay. Just come back. Soon."

"I will. Thanks Bobby." He picked me up in the middle of a hug. Dean drove Baby to the front door. He opened the passenger seat for me and I threw my bag to the floor and bunched up my jacket to make it a pillow. Sam had an extra jacket stuffed in the back of the Impala. His clothing was best for wrapping around my body and seeing that it was just all bunched up there I took it down and used it as a blanket for the ride.

Dean and Sam got into the Impala. Dean fixed the mirrors and Sam got all adjusted.

"All set. Em you good?" Both boys looked back. "Em?"

"Dean, she fell asleep again."

Dean rolled his eyes and turned forward and started up Baby. Her purr vibrated the entire vehicle making the ride the best place to sleep. Once I sank into my deep sleep I popped into my dream. I was back at my old house. With my Dad working on his car in the garage, Mom making dinner, Sam working on the computer, and Carmen a normal friend. Everything was chill. My room was still a sweet lavender color and my record player ontop of my dresser.  I flopped onto my bed.

"Em, Dinner is ready."

"Coming Mom." I didn't think I could run down the stairs faster. Something felt off as I sat down at the head of the table. Glancing down I noticed metal bars crossed over my wrists and ankles. Everyone at the table turned to me and their eyes turned black.

"Dean, Mom? What's going on?"

"Oh you really thought we were your family? Family doesn't get each other killed."

"Mom I didn't-"

"Shut up you little bitch. This fight you are going into, you won't win. You were never going too. Sam and your Father are lying to you. They always have. Tell her."

"No, Dean don't. Don't listen to this women."

"Oh Emily. Now I've seen somethings, a lot of things and this- this has to be the best." A loud laugh came from the demon possessing Dean. "You are so broken inside that you need to be rebuilt constantly. How are you even alive. Nobody love you. Nobody cares for you. You're worthless. Why would I want you as a daughter. All you have brought is pain."

I've been pretty tough through this whole ordeal but that. That sprang the tears. "STOP! Please stop."

"Why can't handle the truth?"

"Carmen, you shut up about truth." Everyone just began to yell at me and each other and it was driving me insane.

"ENOUGH!" I was ejected from my chair and sent through what looked like a black vortex. I woke up and was in the back seat of the Impala. Safe. But was I....My shirt was stuck too my back and my neck felt like I just got out of the shower. My stomach was turning.

"stop the car" Sam acknowledged I said something.

"Look who's awake...did you say something?"

"Stop the car."

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