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"What did you see specifically?"

"Uh- it looked liked Ruth was passing powers threw her hands into Lizz. Surprised she is still alive."

"That's why Ruth must be looking for you. She wants to have the battle. But if Lizz is getting powers straight from Ruth. She's becoming more and more powerful. Hard to beat. We have to talk to Cas."

Dean picked me up and grabbed Carmen's leash. "You sure your okay?"

"Yeah. I'm fine."

Once we all got back to the car I didn't fall back alseep. I know I shouldn't have been afraid but I was. Knowing that Ruth was out there. Looking for me. I just didn't want to close my eyes and see her again. Staying awake was what I had to do.

Finally arriving back at Bobby's, he was relieved to see all of us alive and together.

"Finally. A hunt everyone came back sound on. How was it?" He greeted me at my side door.

"We have new information and...." I turned and grabbed the box. "And a puppy! Isn't she cute!"

"A dog? How'd you convince this one?"

"He loves me."

"Well what's her name?"


"It got everything you need here."

"Thanks Bobby." I took Carmen out of the box and let her roam around. She always came when I called. I went to grab my bag but Dean got it before me. I smiled at him for that. Bobby had pizza for us so I called Carmen in so we could eat and tell Bobby everything.

"So what'd you guy find?"

Dean spoke up first. "Well Ruth is looking for Emily. So Cas placed angel inscriptions on our ribs to be undetected."

"Didn't you guys have then before?"

"Yeah. He thought it would be best to get them again."

"I see. Anythin else?"

"We need to talk to Cas. Emily had a vision or just view of Lizz with Ruth and she's getting powerful. Cas needs to help Em and get her strength up."

"And we will call him Dean but I'm going to head upstairs now. I was wake for the rest of the ride but now I'm tired. Thank you for the pizza Bobby. I'll see you guys in the morning. *kiss nose* come on Carmen." I called Carmen up with me and I flopped onto my bed and fell right asleep. I felt safe to sleep now that I was home.

The feeling of security wrapped around me. My brain trickled off into my memories. This time it was about my old friend Carmen. She was my only friend. I told her everything so I loved having a dog with the name. I wonder how she was doing? Felt like she was almost with me again. It was a memory of us just hanging out in the back yard, with my mom, watching a movie in the back of the shed. We kept throwing the popcorn at each other and mom just laughed. I missed hem both.

A bang in my room woke me up. I saw something in the shadows. I reached for my gun under my pillow and directed it at whatever was there.

"Who's there? Come out!"

"Emily put the gun down."

Carry on my Wayward Daughter Where stories live. Discover now