The Barracade Has Broken

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We waited and waited for a sign to see the spell worked. Then I heard it. "Oh my god!" My legs were wobbling all over the place as I ran out of the house.

There she was.

That beautiful Black '67 Chevy Impala.

"DAD! DAD YOU FOUND ME! I'M HERE. I'M HERE!" The four guys got of the Impala and headed over to where I was. Everyone but Cas had a gun in their hands.

"EMILY! EMILY WHERE ARE YOU?" Dean kept calling for me. But. I was right in front of him.

"Dad....Dad! I'm right in front of you! Sam! Sam! Can't you see me? Cas?"

"Sam where is she?"

"I don't know. Let's split up and check the houses."


I was crying and so confused and angry and just..just..AHH! Why couldn't they see me? Was..Was I dead?

"Ruth! Get your ass out here!"

"Yes my dear!" She appeared right across from me.

"Why can't me family see me?"

"Oh Darling because I had a spell cast upon you and Elizabeth. A knew a witch who could do it for me. Couldn't let you get saved just yet!"

"What witch? So when I do leave your sorry ass I can kill her too! But they are going to think I am dead."

"Rowena. And that's a good thing. Then they will forget about you and let us be."

"No. I love my family and they love me too. They will hear me!" I ran to see Lizz and we collided in the doorway as she was running out to see me.

"Are you okay Emily?"

"Yeah. Yeah. I'm okay."

"Why can't they see us?"

"Ruth had a witch put a spell on us. It will get it lifted once we finish."

"Damn. So they will keep trying to find us, but find nothing."


"DEAN! Get over here!" Sam was out back. He found the graves. Dean ran right past me. It killed me.

"Oh man."

"I think I know who they are..."


"The missing kids. They must have been with Emily then killed some how."

"Killed through a series of tests! Sam please hear me!" I was yelling and yelling but I was only hurting myself.

"I wonder what the next test is..."

"Me too Lizz because I want to be done with this. I just want to be back with my family. Like this right now, it's the ultimate bottom. My family doesn't even know I'm here. I can't even touch them. It's killing me."

"Sam...what if one of them is-"

"It's not. It's can't be. They look like they have been dead for a while. She sent us that note. Ruth must have taken them somewhere again when she heard us. So there is no use for us being here except bringing back pain full memories."

"Alright Sammy."

"DEAN! SAM! I'm here. I'" Lizz put her arms around me and gave me a huge hug. She knew my family was everything to me. I couldn't bear this anymore. But I had to be strong. For my Mom. She was watching over me somewhere.

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