
406 17 1

May 3rd, 1999

First Word
January 23rd, 2000

First Time Walking
September 13th, 2000

First Slice Of Pie
July 22nd, 2003

Watching Isabella Die And Starting Her Run From Ruth
May 3rd, 2016

Watching Dean Die Then Reviving Him
April 19th, 2017

This day yet to be titled
May 2nd, 2017
~Sam Winchester's 34th Birthday
~A day before Emily Winchester's 18th Birthday

Still in Carmen's eyes:

We hopped into the Impala and Dean drove the four of us to Emily's old house. Every light was on. I leaned on the seat in front of me between Sam and Dean.

"I see about a dozen demons. Not too bad."

"A dozen demons and four people. The math there doesn't seem right."

"Dean I will lead and then you guys follow and head to the door."

"Everyone good with that?"

Sam and I both nodded at Dean.

"Good cause that's what we're doing."

We all got out the car and Sam and Dean headed over to the trunk. Cas and I stood back and let them do their thing. Dean closed the hood. He handed me a knife that had a wooden handle and inscriptions on the blade.

"Sam told me you're good with a blade. This one is very special. Be careful."

"I will Dean."

Dean then handed a wrapped object to Sam. "What's this?"

"A birthday present."

"Dean it's not-"

"Look at your phone."

Sam lifted his phone up. So I did the same. My phone read 12:06am May 2nd.


"Sam shut up and open it."

He dug into the gift and unwrapped the same exact knife I had.

"What? You found another."

"Cas helped. It took a while but I found yeah. I know this is the worst time but I thought we could use another knife. Happy birthday Sammy."

"Thanks Dean." They shared a brother hug and then let go and got into game mode. Taking millions of deep breaths we started walking towards the house. Towards a tough fight, one that will be bloody.

Back to Emily after she got taken:

I woke up in my bed room. Those lavender walls I never forgot. My record player still laid on top of my dresser. I sat up and brought myself to glance on the right side of my bed. There was a rug on the ground but once I lifted it up you could see a blood stain. My Moms blood. My head was pounding from the blow I endured. Finally reaching my balance I stood up and opened my door.

I instantly got a familiar smell.

A smelt this in a year.

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