A Vampire BVB Love Story

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Hello, my name is Hope and I'm a Vampire. Well.. I guess you could say Lamia. Because I was born a Vampire. Anyways, so.. I don't kill. I drink from blood bags. I would truly kill myself if I had ever hurt a human, my parents don't understand. They think humans are just 'blood banks', my brother is like me, well we are twins so... His name is Tristen. I call him Trip because he used to trip a lot when he was younger. Trip calls me Hope, we both have naturally straight (for some weird reason) jet black hair, people - me and Trip's friends - like to call our eyes calming sky blue. Which me and him like. Me and Trip at home are always sticking up for each other because our mom and dad yell at us for being 'human lovers' because our friends are friends are mainly human. All of the vampires are snotty and mean, and always making fun of us, our friends - Stitch (Stephanie), Greg (George), Jay (Jared), and Kay (Karry) know our secret and love us (as friends) all the same. They came to our (me and Trips) house once and let's just say our parent didn't like our company. Our parents yelled at us for bringing 'scum' into our house and that we should kill them for knowing our secret. Me and Trip defended our friends (meaning keeping them behind us) and brought them to Trips room. We explained them everything that was our parents and we all climbed out of Trips room (because my lock was sorta broken) through the window - which wasn't that high for a human to break something - just for the fun of it and headed towards Stitches house. All of there parents knew what me and Trip were and all of them just said this "As long as you don't kill or drink from my kids I'm fine with it." With smiles. All of us laughed and explained that me and Trip only drank from blood bags, and to prove it we showed them what we always brought with us in our bags.


- Countless blood bags (in my personal favourite blood type... A positive :) in a really big protective bag in case one of them explode or something (you never know when you get thirty)

- My make up bag for when me, Stitch and Kay wanna practice our make up skills :P

- My personal binder for drawings I always make (Like tattoo designs, usual drawings when I'm bored, or other things that I don't know I do)

- My pencil case

- My pencil case that was full of felt markers and pencil crayons

- My sky blue contacts (I don't want to scare my friends for when my eyes go red then black from thirst)


- Countless blood bags in a really big protective bag in my favourite type AB Negative

- My favourite video games (when we go out to one of our friends house)

- My contacts (when I get thirsty, they don't know about our eyes yet, or for when we're in public)

- a whole bunch of our favourite CDs (BVB, Asking Alexandra, Skillet, famous Last Words, etc...)

- Usual guy junk food and pop (soda for those who don't know what Canadians call pop :P)

Me and Trip are... I guess you could say gothic? Yes we wear a lot of black, yes we listen to awesome rock music, yes we - even Trip - wear eyeliner. It's just who we are as people. Or Vampires, I don't know.

So, all of Canada knows that Vampires exist. But being as this is The Beautiful and Free Canada, they gave us a chance. America knows too and agreed that they would give us a chance. You see, me and Trips parents are rouges. They, just kill. They have have no control over their thirst. Most Vampires who live in the open are like us, they carry blood bags with them so that they don't go crazy and kill some innocent person. But the Vampire kids are cruel, even though there's Vampire teachers they just... sometimes I wonder if they'll just grow up into rouges. Even though there is a law against Vampires killing humans, as there is a law for humans killing humans. It's basically impossible for a Vampire to be killed. Only Vampire Hunters are able to do that.

So anyways, hope you enjoy the book and rock on!

Hope & Trip

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