Chapter Five - Hospitals

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Hopes P.O.V.

I woke up with a blinding light in my eyes. I squinted and looked around, my brother was on the other side of the room. And Stitch and Greg were sitting by the door, sleeping. I looked on the other side and saw CC, Jake, Ashley Andy and Jinxx sitting - also asleep - in the chairs.

I felt way better, aside from my body aching anyway. The doctors must've realized that me and Tripp are vampires. Uh, oh. The guys must know now too. Shit! I dropped my head on the pillow in exasperation. I was still so tired, I wonder how long I've asleep..

Tripp stirred and opened his eyes slowly.

"Hey Tripp." I said, my voice was so hoarse. "Hey. Are you okay?" He asked. "Yeah, are you okay?" I asked. "Yeah, I suppose mom and dad didn't come to see if we're okay, huh?" He asked jokingly. I chuckled, "No, I don't think they did."

I saw the rest begin to wake up. "Guys your awake!" Stitch whispered/shouted. She came and gently hugged me, careful not to hurt me. She did the same to Tripp.

I saw the guys open their eyes and smile. "Hey, your okay!" They all said. I smiled. The pain of blood thirst was gone. 'Thank god!'

"So you know huh?" I said to them, their smiles faded a little. "Yeah..." They said together.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Andy asked.

"We didn't want to scare you. What with Vampires being all new and stuff..." I trailed off.

"Well, we aren't scared of you guys. We saw what happened between what I'm guessing was your mom and dad, we heard the whole thing. We ran as fast as we could to try and help you." CC said. "Your dad's a total douche, by the way!" He added.

We all laughed, "Yes, he is." Tripp said between laughs. I saw wince a little in pain from moving his chest too fast.

I looked around and saw that Jay and Kay were missing from the group. "Hey, where is Kay and Jay?" I asked.

They all looked down, oh, no. What happened?! Are they hurt badly?! "Kay was hit in the head she's fine but, um, she lost a lot of blood. From the head injury. And Jay has some broken bones, one cracked rib, and a broken arm." Said Jake.

I sat there horrified, my parent really hated us that much? Enough to hurt the ones we loved? I can't believe them, anger boiled up in me. I hate them. So much.

"So, were you like, hungry when you met us?" Ashley asked. Me and Tripp nodded. "I can't control my... Thirst -" I paused looking for the right word to describe it -" as well as Tripp. We were um, so excited that we forgot about our.. Blood bags at home." I explained.

I looked into their minds, 'Oh, shit. It must've hurt when we hugged her..' CC thought. 'Jeez, did it hurt when we hugged them? I hope not..' Ashley and Jake thought. 'Crap, I gave her big bear hug. I shouldn't have done that.. I just wanted to get her relax.. I had no idea she was in pain. God, I'm so stupid.' Was what Andy thought.

"Andy, your not stupid. You didn't know." I said to reassure him. He raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"How did you know. That? Can you read minds." He asked. "Yeah, all Vampires can." I said.

"You all aren't stupid, so relax. Everything's fine now." Tripp said. I want to know how Jay and Kay are doing. "Hey, is it okay if we can see Kay and Jay?" I asked. They all shrugged. I got out of bed, and went into the hall, everybody who worked their stared me. I guess they all knew about me and Tripp. I know, I talk about Tripp too much but he's my brother! A damn good one at that! So shut up.

I walked up to the desk and said "excuse me, do you know were Jeremy Jefferson and Karry Lanes rooms are?" I asked. The receptionist gasped at me and stuttered when she said "Um, uh. Yes, Karry Lanes room is number 11, Jeremy's room is number 12." I smiled at her and said "Thank you." She stopped me and said "May I ask, what is your business with them?" I gave her a confused look and replied "Uh, there my friends. Why?" Slowly. She shook her head and back to work. I felt her eyes on me. I guess humans still don't trust Vampires. Oh well.

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