Chapter Twenty Four - The Actual Telling

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Lynda's P.O.V.

I woke up in Andy's arms, like I do every mourning :). I carefully got up, making sure I don't wake up my Angel. I went into Tripp's room and saw that he was already awake, dressed, clothes on, makeup on, hair done, everything. He looked so nervous, I think he was trying to find a way of telling Tyra without scaring her.

"Hey, morning Tripp." I said, scaring the ever living crap out of him.

"Holy shit! You scared me, Hope!" Tripp said. I chuckled at his expression.

"Okay, I'm going to wake Andy up, then I'll make breakfast. Meet you downstairs." I said.

"Okay, MORNING!" Tripp said quickly before I closed the door.

I went to Andy and shook him lightly. "Hmm, yeah?" Andy mumbled.

"It's time to get up, Andy. Even though we don't go school Tripp does, come on. Get up." I said (Me: I know, Lynda should be going to school. She's faking homeschool), he sighed and got up. The only thing he had on was batman boxers.

"Nice." I murmured.

"Wha..?" Andy asked, stirring a little (Me: Heehee 'stirring'. If you've read The Giver you know what I mean ;P).

"Your boxers." I said simply. Andy laughed and got dressed. I got dressed and went into the bathroom, got my makeup on and did my hair. Andy did the same.

"It's great to have a boyfriend who wears makeup, too." I said under breath, Andy's so perfect. I wouldn't change anything about him.

I smiled as I turned on The Beautiful People by Marilyn Manson without earbuds as me and Andy went downstairs to wait for Tripp. A few minutes later Tripp came downstairs and got his blood bag out, put it in a cup and drank it. I did the same, Andy ate some cereal.

"So, Tripp are you telling Tyra today?" I asked.

"Yeah, mom." Tripp said with a grin.

I chuckled. "And you've found a way to tell her?" I asked.

Tripp sighed, he shook his head. "No." He said sadly.

"Well, don't worry. Mates are meant to be together, after a while she'll realize and be with you. It'll be okay." Andy said through eating his cereal.

Tripp smiled. "Thanks. I'm gonna go to school." Tripp said, he got up.

"Would you like us to drive?" I asked.

Tripp nodded and smiled. I smiled as Andy finished his cereal and quickly put it in the sink and went to the door, I followed. Tripp grabbed his backpack and followed us to the car, we drove to school and pulled over.

"Alright, good luck Tripp." I said, getting out to hug him. Andy did the same.

"Good luck, man." Andy said, bro-hugging Tripp.

"Thanks." Tripp went to me and hugged me, I hugged back of course.

"Good luck." I said.

"Thanks." Tripp said, he pulled away and went to school.

-- Skipping School Part --

Tripp's P.O.V.

School ended. I got out of class, grabbed everything and went. Andy and Hope weren't gonna pick me up, they had dropped my car off earlier.

I saw Tyra and Ebony walking out, I waved nervously. I'm always nervous. Tyra smiled and waved goodbye to Ebony, she smiled and walked away, waving goodbye to Tyra and me.

"Hey, Tripp. How's it going?" Tyra asked.

"It's going good. It's just.. Uh. I have something to tell you." I said, I bit my lip.

"Well, what is it?" Tyra asked.

"Well.. I'm not sure how to.. Uh, say this.. But. Well.." I trailed.

"Tripp, what is it?" Tyra asked, she was smiling at how I was acting. Not like a bitch would.. It was a gentle smile, like if she could. She would comfort me with a smile. It was sorta working.

I took a deep breath. "I'm a.. Vampire." I said, I studied her expression. It was calm, curious, and.. Well, calm.

"A vampire?" Tyra said skeptically.


"Well, that's.. Unexpected.. Uh." Tyra trailed.

"I know, I sound crazy. But it's true." I said, careful not to a) touch her. And b) scare her.

"So, you like.. Drink blood?" Tyra asked.

"Yeah, but I don't hurt anyone. I'd never do that." I said.

"Does.. Does Hope know?" Tyra asked.

I nodded. "Yeah."

"And Andy?" Tyra asked.


"Well, Tripp... I'm not sure how to react.. I mean.." Tyra trailed.

"You can react however you want.. Just please don't be scared of me." I said.

"Okay, then. I know I can trust you, I'm not scared." Tyra said.

"Really?" I asked, this isn't real.

"Really." Tyra said, she smiled up at me.

"Oh, thank god." I said, I hugged her tightly, she hugged me back. "I didn't know how to tell you, I didn't know how you would take it... But Hope and Andy were right." I said.

"Right about what?" Tyra asked.

"About you knowing I'd never hurt you, you knowing how much I love you." I said.

"And I know that's a lot." Tyra said, chuckling a little.

"I have to tell you something though." I said.

"Again?" Tyra asked, we broke our hug.

"Your my mate." I said.

"And that's what?" Tyra asked.

"It means we're meant to be with each other." I said, I held Tyra's hand.

"I knew it." Tyra said, she squeezed my hand.

I smiled. "And Andy's Hopes mate." I said.

"I knew it again, I knew they were meant to be together." Tyra said.

"No, uh. Hopes a vampire." I said, nervously.

"Well, that makes sense. I mean, she's your sister." Tyra said.


Hey! I'm sorry this chapter is so short but I'll do better next time.. Maybe. It depends. Hehe, anyways. I hope you all have a lovely day, bye!

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