Chapter one - Bullies

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Hopes P.O.V.

I groaned as I heard my alarm clock do it's annoying "Beep! Beep! Beep!" Thing. I pressed the button and groggily got out of my bed. I yawned as I walked into the bathroom, I bumped into Trip and said "Mornin' Trip." During a sigh.

"Mornin' Hope." He replied before brushing his teeth.

I began brushing my teeth, washing out all the gunk that grew in my mouth over night. I took the cup and culled it with water and spat out the tooth paste. I then drank some of the water to clean up my throat. Making my breath nice and minty. I looked into the mirror for any pimples while Trip did the same thing I did, we both did a huge grin, showing our teeth and laughed when we realized we were doing the same thing again. We always do the same thing cause we're twins.

We walked into our rooms and got dressed, I got dressed in ripped (slightly baggy) jeans a black Batman tank top, none-studded combat boots, and a black hoodie, we then joined again in the bathroom to do our usual make up. Yes my brother puts make up on his face, got a problem?? 'Cause he'll best your ass. We help each other style out hair. Mine was a little short, like above shoulder length. Trips was shoulder length.

We walked downstairs and made each other's toast, you see.. We're really close. Jay calls us the perfect siblings.

I got some blood from some blood bags and put it in two cups. I gave Trip one of the cups. Mom and Dad were out hunting. I shook my head sadly, 'I'm so sorry that you had to die.' I thought, because mom and dad never stopped drinking, they drank until they had nothing left. We soon finished and gathered our stuff, phones, and iPods. And went out the door and to Trips car:

I checked what time it was," it's 7:37." I told Trip.

"Yes! Early like we always are." He said enthusiastically. I laughed. We picked up Stitch, Jay, Greg, and Kay along the way to school, Kay sat on Greg's lap and Stitch sat on I between Jay and Greg with her arms around there necks, we made jokes and goofed off in the car, making Trip yell "Hey! Don't hit the driver!" Jokingly. In case you haven't noticed, we don't burn in the sun. Vampires don't burn in the sun period.

We parked at the school parking lot and talked about what we should wear to the Black Veil Brides concert that we all had tickets to go to. We all were excited because we all had background stories about our life before we knew them that we wanted to tell. For instance Kay, she and her mom were abused really badly, and she used to cut herself because she was convinced that she was nothing but a 'waste of space weak little bitch'. Me and Trip were near by when we both smelled blood. We saw her bleeding really badly with a lot of bruises. Trip and I brought her to the hospital and the people there called her mother and father. Her father didn't show up. The band was the only thing keeping her alive before she had friends. Her father is gone with some slut he calls a 'real woman'.

We got disgusted looks by everyone. "So called Vampires." I heard a girl murmur.

"Actually only me and my sister Hope are the vampires in this group." Said Trip. I smiled.

The girl rolled her eyes and walked away, shaking her butt like there was no tomorrow. I laughed. "Dude, she's shaking her butt like there's no tomorrow." I said between laughs. Jay, Stitch, Greg and Kay soon joined in, I was hugging my brother for support because, well, I don't know. It was just really funny to us.

I went to my first class, listened. Left to the next class, listened. Ate an apple while talking to my friends and brother. Me and my brother left to go to our class. We listened. We left, and over and over until my favourite, lunch. Me and Trip went to our lockers - which were beside each other :P - and grabbed our bags (the bags that carry there other stuff). Walked over to our table beside Stitch, Greg, Kay and Jay, me and Trip opened the bag and they wrinkled there noses as they saw us drinking out of our blood bags. Just for fun I said "Mmm, A Positive." I looked at Trip and he nodded. "You wanna trade?" He asked casually. We do this a lot. Me and Trip were being stared at with disgusted looks from everyone that was in the room. Me and Trip were the only Vampire students in this school, there were some vampire teachers though. Good ones. I handed Trip my blood bag and he gave me his. I drank some, his was really good. "Mmm, this ones good." I said. "Yours is too." He replied. We usually shared our blood bags with each other. We looked at the others and saw that they were motioning that they wanted to barf. I sorta choked one my blood and covered my mouth. Trip was doing the same thing, which made laugh harder, I had to run at vamp speed to spit out the blood in the nearest trash bin and collapsed on the ground laughing. Trip had swallowed the blood that was in his mouth.

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