Chapter 4

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I don't know how long I had been sitting there, I don't know how long I'd been watching him sleep.

I'd been sitting outside the door to the basement for hours, just listening to him. He was

freaking out down there, I knew he was. I could hear him crying, I could hear him screaming, I could hear him kicking and punching at the walls.

I sighed with relief as soon as he stopped. My ears were filled with nothing but silence and, about half an hour, I heart light snores drifting past the door I was leaning against.

Quietly, and slowly, I slid into the room and sat myself on the top step of the stairs, a content smile spreading across my face as I took in the sight of his body, curled up into a ball on the floor, huddled up inside his hoodie.

His snores became louder as the time passed, and soon enough I found myself laying beside him, gently stroking his thick, raven-black hair.

I lightly ran my fingers down the side of his face, sighing with despair and jealousy as I saw for the first time how truly beautiful he was. His eyebrows, coal black and slightly arched above the heavenly green orbs he had for eyes. His nose, angular yet perfectly rounded with the septum piercing acting as the icing on the cake, so to speak.

But his lips, pink as rose petals and plush as anything, beautifully shaped and wildly tempting, were what bugged me. I was fighting with myself, telling myself not to do it, not to crash my lips to his and just feel them against my own... To feel the cool metal of his lips rings contrasting with the undoubtably warm flesh of his lips...

But instead, I gently pressed my lips to his soft black hair before reluctantly pulling myself up into a sitting position.

I slowly, and solemnly, traced the curve of his jaw with my right index finger, and tore my eyes away from his face. He would be needing food...


I slowly opened my eyes and yawned, stretching my arms above my head. I blinked a few times, adjusting to the bright light around me, and then looked around.

I immediately felt my eyes fill with tears at the realization of where I was - thing is, I don't even know where!

But before I had a chance to start thinking more negative thoughts (which were replaced with even more negative thoughts moments later), the door on the other side of the room slowly swung open with a near-silent creak.

I whimpered loudly, shrinking back towards the wall as I saw a shadow fill the doorway.

But I was momentarily mind-screwed as soon as he appeared. My fear seemed to disappear, only to be replaced with an uncomfortable, unfamiliar feeling that I didn't like.

His hair was a deep, sable brown, messily yet seemingly unintentionally spiked up in all directions around an angular, lightly tanned face. His eyes were sparkling slightly in the harsh light of the room, and I felt my jaw go slack as I noticed the colour - deep, chocolate brown. But so utterly unique... stunning, in fact. His cheeks were thin and his cheekbones were a little to prominent, perhaps a result of malnutrition...

But I didn't get to relish in his beauty for long, because he walked (almost strutted) towards me, a mug of something in his right hand and a plate of... toast? in his other hand.

'Hi,' he said almost nervously, as I continued to cringe away from him. When I didn't reply he sighed, kneeling down and placing the plate and mug of, oh, coffee, next to me.

'I know that everyone in the movies says it, but I'm not going to hurt you.' He smiled nervously again, before bringing his face closer to mine and lightly pressing his lips to my cheek. I flinched, half in fear and half in shock.

He stared into my eyes for a few seconds, amplifying the spine-tingling fear that was rushing through me, and then he stood and turned around.

'And no, I didn't drug your food or the coffee... there's no fun in that.' He turned back around and reached down, pulling the cup of coffee to his lips and drinking from it, and then reaching for the toast and biting a huge chunk out of one piece.

'See? Perfectly fine. Eat up, I'll be back soon.' He shot me a smile, no doubt with good intentions, but I couldn't move until he had left the room and I heard the door click shut.

Who the fuck is this guy, and what the hell am I doing here?

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