Chapter 17

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I groaned, turning my head in the direction of the voice and slowly opening my left eye.

Zack was kneeling down by the couch, his face level with mine.

'Zack...?' I mumbled, confused and still slightly drowsy. 'What... I thought you were sleeping,' I slurred, turning my head away from him and burying it in the cushion beneath my head. The amount of alcohol I'd drunk before I'd fallen asleep, kept me absolutely shitfaced even when I was sleeping. I couldn't make sense of anything.

'Go back to bed, you need to sleep.' Zacky sighed, placing his hand on my shoulder and shaking it slightly.

'Brian, I'm hungry,' he whined quietly, sadness filling his voice. But I ignored his question, a question of my own tingling on the tip of my tongue.

'Why didn't you leave?' I asked, the question sounding way too serious for my drunken state. Zacky frowned deeply, looking confused.

'I... don't understand, Brian,' he said, his face contorting as he tried to figure out what I meant.

'Why didn't you leave, Zacky? I was asleep and totally out of it, you could have just... left,' I whispered, wanting to face-palm myself at my stupidity. How could I have let my guard down like that?!

'I... I didn't think of it,' Zacky said with a puzzled expression. I sighed, rubbing my eyes before slowly swinging my legs over the side of the couch, pulling myself up onto my feet. I swayed a little, the blood rushing to my head.

I looked down at Zack, and his right arm that was still in its makeshift sling.

'Does your wrist hurt?' I asked him, looking down at him with worry. He shrugged, yawning.

'A little bit, it's gone a bit too numb, so I can't really feel it that much.'

'Hm, okay, I'll get you some aspirin when we go back upstairs. Now what do you want to eat?' I said, motioning to the kitchen and making him follow me there.

'Um... what have you got?' He asked, looking around the kitchen and seeing absolutely no food.

'Uh...' I nervously ran my hand through my hair, scratching the back of my neck. 'Pot Noodles and stale bread. I ran out of pop-tarts...' I smiled sheepishly down at him, and he sighed with a slight smirk on his face.

'I... Think I'll go with a Pot Noodle. Not a massive fan of stale bread, if I'm gonna be honest.' I chuckled, wanting to scream with happiness as he flashed me a smile. Not a small, half-hearted smile. An actual smile.

'Me neither,' I said back, returning his grin and turning to the cupbaord behind me. I pulled it open, and I almost heard Zacky's jaw drop as he saw just how many Pot Noodles there were in the cupboard - I'd say there were at LEAST twenty five in there.

'How many d'you want?' I asked with another grin, looking over my shoulder to see Zack staring longingly at the cupboard.

'Uh... All of them!' He screamed like a child, an impish grin on his face as he ran towards me and single-handedly vaulted himself onto the counter with apparent ease, reaching into the cupboard and loading his sling full of about five Pot Noodles. I laughed, leaning against the counter and watching him.

'They're all mine, you're not getting any!' He said, in a voice that really needed a maniacal laugh at the end. I chuckled, walking over to him and stepping between his legs, wrapping my arms around his waist.

I looked up into his eyes as he looked down into mine, and after a few seconds Zacky set the Pot Noodles aside, placing one arm around my neck and pushing his lips to mine.

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