Chapter 21

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‘You okay?’

I sighed, not turning my head towards him.

‘Mmhmm,’ I muttered, glaring at thin air.

‘Why aren’t you talking to me?’ I looked at him this time, narrowing my eyes further.

‘Why’d you think?’ I said, almost snarled. He sighed, breathing heavily through his nose.

‘Oh I’m sorry for saving your fucking life,’ he growled back, glaring at me now.

‘You should be.’

‘Well I’m not.’

‘You just said you are.’

‘I was lying,’ he said aggressively, a glint of evil starting to show in his deep brown eyes. I opened my mouth to speak, but he cut me off.

‘What was the fucking point?’ He hissed, leaning forward slightly in his chair. I sighed, again.

‘I don’t have to explain myself to you.’

‘But Zack, the problem is, you do!’ He said, a stressed expression creeping over his face. I shook my head.

‘No I don’t.’


‘Piss off, okay? Just piss off.’ I folded my arms across my chest, pausing for a second as the pain in my right arm shot through me again. And that’s when I left the room.

I walked quickly down the hall, ignoring Brian’s voice as he yelled after me. I made my way to the basement, swatting Brian’s hands away as he clawed at my shirt. I threw open the basement door and slammed it behind me (in Brian’s face) as soon as I was inside.

‘Zack!’ Brian pounded on the door as I pressed my back to it, slowly sliding down towards the floor as I started to cry. Okay, now why the fuck was I crying?

I pulled my knees up to my chest and rested my left arm across them, allowing my injured arm to rest on the cold concrete.

‘Zacky,’ I heard Brian whisper, as if he were crying too. ‘Zacky please.’

I sighed, leaning my head against the door as tears silently ran down my cheeks.

‘Zack please, I’m sorry,’ Brian said, and I let out a shaky breath, before standing up and pulling the door open. Brian was instantly at his feet, hurriedly wiping his eyes. He obviously thought I hadn’t heard him crying.

‘No, I’m sorry,’ I mumbled, sniffling and hanging my head. Brian held his arms out, and seconds later I dove into them, burying my face into his shoulder. Brian held me close, being careful not to crush my right arm that was awkwardly dangling by my side.

Brian rested his cheek on the top of my head, softly kissing my hair as I hugged him as tight as I could with my good arm.

‘Do you forgive me?’ I looked up, and I nudged his cheek with my nose as I nodded.

‘Do you forgive me, though?’

‘Of course I do… Just don’t do that to me again, okay?’ His fingers brushed past the deep, now-clean cut on my neck, and I flinched. It still hurt like a bitch.

‘Okay,’ I mumbled, hanging my head again. Brian placed a finger under my chin, lifting my face.

‘Wanna go upstairs?’ I froze, biting my lip for a second before smiling. Brian returned my smile, unwrapping his arms from around my waist. ‘I’ll take that as a yes then,’ he said.

He walked to the stairs, pausing to take off his shirt and toss it to the floor, before winking at me. I smirked, and followed him.


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