Chapter 14

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As soon as Brian had left the room I smashed my head as hard into the floor as I could, growling to myself and wanting to just fucking die. I lay still for a few seconds, holding my breath as pain filled my head once again, the bruise from the stairs incident splitting open and spilling blood onto the floor as I continuously smashed my head against the concrete.

I let out a strangled and quiet scream that cracked over my tears, as I rolled onto my back and whimpered in pain. I wanted out of here. I wanted to either leave this place, or just kill myself.

Either or.


It was hard, extremly hard, to see the razorblade on the bathroom floor and to not pick it up, to not drag it across my throat and just be done with it. I didn't feel punished enough, I didn't feel like I had gotten the pain I deserved just yet.

Zacky's words had crushed me. There was the tiny, slowly dying part of me that was trying to convince me that he had lied, that he didn't mean the words he had spat in my face. But after all I'd done to him, I wouldn't be at all surprised if he meant every torturing word.


It must have been hours now. Like I said before, I had no concept of time but it had been ages since Brian left the room.

I was growing incredibly weak, my stomach growling desperately and my throat going hoarse with crying and thirst. I slowly made my way across the basement floor, using my feet and my left arm to drag myself along, unable to stand up. The pain in my right wrist was starting to become excrutiatingly painful, even though it was growing numb and even more


I grimaced at I reached the foor of the stairs, resting my left forearm on the third step before hauling myself up with my feet. I quickly slammed my arm onto the step above me, pulling myself upwards again until I couldn't move anymore. I was halfway up the stairs when my eyes slipped shut, and my head was pulled to rest on the concrete. I let out a shaky breath, tears pricking at the corners of my mouth as I felt myself starting to deteriorate.

I was going to pass out if I didn't get food sometime soon.

I sucked in a large breath and tried to ignore the fatigue that was settling in in my body, and as I felt my strength rapidly decreasing I could also feel a panic attack coming on. I frantically reached for the next step above my head and grabbed onto it, quickly kicking my feet into the concrete and launching me up a few steps. I was only two from the top now.

I took another deep breath, my eyes involuntarily shutting closed, and whimpered as I bravely placed both arms on the top step and yanked myself upwards.

A sob spewed from my mouth as I looked down at my right arm, which was giving me pure agony and causing tears to flood my face.

I slammed my head against the door, begging for attention.

'Brian!' I screamed as loudly as I could, clawing weakly at the door with my better hand.


'Brian!' I sobbed desperately, my eyes remaining closed as I tried to breath regularly. Of course, I failed. 'Please,' I whispered, before gagging and throwing up all over the stairs.

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