Chapter 8

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I didn't have any time to think before he pushed his lips against mine. My body jolted backwards a few inches as I felt electricity surge through me, pumping my heart ten times faster.

Brian held onto me, his hands fastened on my hips and holding me close to him. He sat even more upright, tilting my head back slightly so that he could trail his lips down my neck.

As soon as his lips left mine I gasped quietly, air filling my lungs. I closed my eyes tight and tried to focus on my irregular, heavy breathing, which was a lot harder than you'd think.

I did my best not to flinch away from his touch, even though each time his fingers brushed against my skin it would feel like an electric shock. I shivered as I felt his teeth graze my ear, and a light moan drifted past my lips. I snapped my mouth shut, biting down on my lip and mentally slapping myself. Why the hell was I feeling like this?! This should be repulsing me, not pleasuring me!

'Relax,' Brian cooed, his hands gently rubbing against the tensed muscles in my back. Another quiet, involuntary moan fell from my mouth, causing me to grit my teeth. I was trying to ignore the subtle bliss that was surrounding me, the pleasure that Brian's kisses were giving me. But I couldn't. I was feeling too much.

'Stop hiding, Zacky, I know you're hiding.' Brian lifted his face to look me in the eyes. I felt momentarily paralyzed. 'Just go with it, calm down...' His eyes slipped closed again, as he pressed his lips to the very corner of my mouth. I paused for a moment, before slowly turning my head so that our lips were touching.

I pushed my lips against his gently, my own eyes closing as I felt his lips moving on mine. I pushed his face backwards with my lips, ever so slightly, and cautiously wrapped my arms around his waist. He laughed quietly, his fingers dancing gently on my shoulder as he pressed his lips harder to mine. As our lips slowly moved together, I felt a weird feeling in my stomach, almost like a rope wrapped around my guts...

I pulled away from him by about an inch or two, gazing into his eyes as they fluttered open.

'What's wrong?' He whispered, his thumbs rubbing against my hipbones and causing me to bite my lip in order to stop the moan escaping.

'This feels so... weird,' I mumbled, now wanting to cower in the corner of the room. I'd broken the trance again. It's like he's casting spells on me...

'It always does at first...' He smiled and rested his forehead against mine, kissing the corner of my mouth again. 'But you're doing good, just follow my lead.' I looked at him hesitantly, frowning. I felt the knot in my stomach tighten as we continued to stare at each other.

'I don't... I c-can't,' I whimpered, looking at him apologetically. He smiled, linking his fingers with mine at our sides.

'Trust me. I know it's strange but Zack...' He ran one hand through my hair, and kissed my lips softly. 'Please, just trust me. I won't hurt you, I wouldn't ever...' He trailed off, his vulnerable-sounding voice fading out as he kissed me again. And again, and again. Tiny, light kisses along my jaw and back to my lips.

'You just need to loosen up. Come on, just take a deep breath and relax.' I did as he said, letting out a heavy, shaky breath before nodding and pressing my lips to the hollow beneath his ear. 'Thereeee we go,' Brian chuckled, his fingers continuing to run through my hair as I kissed further down his neck.

I slowly kissed my way down to his collarbone, nibbling at it lightly because I knew that most guys like it when a girl (or in this case, guy) does it. I know I like it when Gena does it...

Shit, Gena.

I pulled away from him, tears appearing in my eyes at the mere thought of my beautiful girlfriend, whom I would probably never see again.

'Zacky? What did I do, what's the matter?' Brian asked me, concern filling his Orange County accent. I could do nothing but let out a strangled sob, cowering and fliching as he rubbed my shoulder gently. I shook my head, curling up into a ball and crying my eyes out.

Brian seemed to panic, his hands sliding under my body and pulling me close to his chest. I sobbed harder, trying desperately to wriggle free of his grasp. But he held me tightly, rocking me back and forth gently, like a fuckng baby.

'Let go of me!' I half-screamed, kicking at him and fidgeting for my life.

'Zack, Zack, please!' He begged, his breath tickling my ear. 'Stop.'

'I want to go home,' I wailed, sounding defeated and giving up the escape attempt, just laying there. Brian sighed, stroking my hair as I continued to cry.

'Come on, back to the basement we go,' he muttered, standing up and carrying me out of the room. I half-screamed again, wriggling as much as I could. But he was too strong for me.

'Let me goooo!' I yelled, hitting and kicking him. But he remained composed, not saying a word as he walked back over to the basement door.

'I'll be back when you've calmed down,' he said, setting me down on the cold stone floor. I whimpered, tears falling down my face.

And he was gone.

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