Chapter 11

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When I awoke, I only managed to open one eye because I was still as tired as I'd ever been.

With my right eye open and the left side of my face on the floor, I looked around the space that was visible to me.

I saw nothing but the concrete floor and the concrete walls, but as my eye shifted its gaze downwards, I realized. I remembered. I remembered it all.

There it was, Brian's muscluar, tattooed arm wrapped securely around my waist and holding my body close. I let out a long shaky breath as the memories of the previous night played out in my head, and I let out a small whimper as I tried to free myself from Brian's grasp, and failed.

Eventually I grew still, my heart still racing and beating against my ribs so hard I thought they were going to break.

Why had I done that? Why the fuck did I let him do that to me!?

'Good morning, beautiful.' His voice was warm, his breath ghosting across my ear and down my neck, sending shivers down my spine. I tried my best to remain silent but a whimper passed through my lips as I cringed from the inside out. 'Zack, what's wrong angel?' I felt Brian sit up next to me, leaning over my shoulder to look at me. I kept my head perfectly still, not wanting to look into those amazingly amazing brown eyes.

However, nothing could stop me from crying.

'Zacky, baby, please, what's wrong?' Brian pleaded for me to speak, but the only thing I could do was bury my face in my arms. I sobbed and sniffled and whimpered and wailed, all the while trying to wriggle out of Brian's arms. But he held me close still, slightly restricting my breathing. That was the only reason I stopped writhing in his embrace.

'It's last night, isn't it?' Brian said quietly, running his fingers through my hair. I couldn't bring myself to calm down now. The panic attack was in full swing and I couldn't stop it. I was freaking the fuck out.

'Get away from me,' I wailed, curling up into a ball and closing my eyes. 'Just leave me alone. I don't care if you leave me to rot down here, just don't fucking touch me!' I screamed at him, as he tried to turn me over and lean my head against his chest. Brian sighed, making noticable the lump in his own throat.

'Zack, please, don't say things like that, I... I'm so sorry. I... really, I am.' He had almost managed to press his lips to my forehead when I flicked my head back and out of his reach.

'Don't fucking touch me!' I screamed again, before introducing my fist to his jaw.

I seized that opportunity to free myself from his arms and bolt across the room, sprinting as fast as I could up the stairs and towards the door.

'Zack!' Brian yelled, chasing after me. I ran as fast as was possible for me, yanking open the door and running out of the basement. I weaved in and out of furniture and I tried to find where the front door was. I spotted it as I ran through the living room, just in the hallway outside. But before I managed to make it there, I was suddenly sweeped up off my feet for a second or two, before crashing down the the floor.

I groaned, looking up to see Brian towering over me, a dark red mark cast across his cheek and an evil-looking scowl on his face.

He roughly seized me by the arm, yanking me to my feet and practically pulling my arm from its socket. He dragged me back through the living room effortlessly, as I struggled desperately against him.

'Let go of me!' I begged, knowing it wouldn't do any good yet saying it anyway. Brian said nothing, eventually reaching the basement door, which was still wide open from when I'd flung it open not one minute earlier.

'You wanted to stay down there and rot,' he snarled, turning to face me. His expression was livid, his eyes wild and none too different from those of a rabbid dog. 'Be my fucking guest.' And without warning, he placed his hand on my back and shoved me down the stairs.

I cried out in pain as soon as my body hit the first step, and a howl of pain followed for each time any part of my body hit, grazed, or, in the case of my right arm, slammed, into the concrete.

I landed in a muddled heap at the foot of the stairs, feeling pain on every inch of my body. I groaned loudly, my head falling backwards against the wall. The pain in my head was unbearable, and I couldn't see straight at all. I could feel something wet on my forehead, and on my lip. Undoubtably blood.

I looked up to see the blurry outline of Brian's body, still standing at the top of the stairs.

'You.. Y-You...' I couldn't find my words as I stared at him in shock, not able to believe what he had just done to me. But before I could spit out another pointless word, the door slammed shut and Brian was gone.

I heard the door click locked, and then everything went black.         

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