sudden change

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  • Dedicated to Ur Mom (this was a dare)

I don't own Naruto


The fight was getting hectic. Naruto had summoned the nine tailed fox, a giant frog, and Shukaku was raging. i watched. something told me not to interfere. the frog and Naruto talked for a quick second before Naruto landed as many hits as possible to Gaara. they were mediums but the only one in control was Naruto. the nine tailed fox. i had heard stories about the fearsome creature. Zabuza used to tell them to me at night, just to see me scared. it was funny really. i would cuddle into his embarrassingly cow-like leg warmers and say "dad, protect me from the monsters, or i'll kill you" and he'd smirk down at me, draw his big sword and get in a protective stance saying "alright, but only because your too stupid to defend yourself". we had a strange relationship, it was true, but we both valued each other as family members, and that at the time, was very important to me. Gaara's eyes opened. he looked pissed.

"sand coffin!"  he roared, sending his sand frantically at Naruto. the frog protected Naruto, but Gaara simply sent his sand beneath the tongue (eww toad tongue!)

"you think i'm a fool! grr! i will wipe you from the face of the earth! I will not seize to exist!" Gaara roared. Naruto had a face of pure determination, that though it was admirable, it was stupid in a situation like this. Gaara and Shukaku still had a lot left in them, and Naruto probably didn't despite his fox demon. i saw Naruto mumbling to himself but couldn't make out what he was saying. he made a hand sign and suddenly he was enveloped in hot red chakra. it was scary, not anything like what chakra could look like. i found myself veering away from him slightly. my senses were suddenly haywire, by eyesight fuzzy. everything was so loud. whats wrong with me? what the hell is going on? it was at that moment, that i blacked out.

Temari POV

red chakra started flowing out of that retarded Naruto kid, and suddenly Liiran was flying all over the place, then plummeting to the ground. holy shit Liiran!!!!

"Liiran!" i screamed. i jumped into the air and caught her. thank god she was still breathing.

Liiran POV

I woke up to someone shaking me

"Liiran! Liiran wake up! Kankuro is hurt! Gaara is... i don't know what to do! I-" i opened my eyes

"Temari?" I questioned. she blinked

"Kankuro and i are here, we need to get back to Gaara before its to late" I nodded and she pulled me up. we ran back to the spot where Naruto and Gaara were on the ground. Naruto was slowly getting closer to Gaara. we jumped in front of Gaara and gave Naruto a menacing glare. did he do this to my Gaara?

"that's enough... its over" Gaara mumbled. Temari looked at him shocked

"But Gaara-" Gaara was looking at us in such defeat, such utter inner calm that we fell silent of protest.

"alright Gaara" Kankuro said. he looped Gaara over his shoulder and we stood "Lets go" and with that we left the leaf Shinobi behind.

"Temari, Kankuro" Gaara mumbled. he looked up at me for a second before dropping his head again "I'm sorry" he whispered.

"don't worry about it lil bro" Kankuro said with a smile at his barely conscience little brother. i smiled as well, feeling a tingle run up my spine at the sentiment behind Gaara's heartfelt words.  wonder what brought upon his sudden change? when we arrived back in Suna it was chaos. the Kazekage was apparently dead. we weren't supposed to attack Konaha, and everyone was pointing fingers. we stood at the gates, while the two guards stared us down

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