Please Comfort Me..

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Cameron stood before me with puffy tear stained eyes, His clothes looking wrinkled and thrown together. He looked so out of it, I didn't hesitate to fall into his arms and bawl my eyes out. As i cried I could feel him shake as he cried with me. He held me so tight as if he thought he might loose me. We stood on the porch for a good 10 minutes just holding each other. It was so cold outside but our body heat made us warm. For the first time, he removed himself from me and stared into my eyes deeply. I knew i looked like a wreck but he looked at me like I was the most beautiful girl he's ever set eyes on. I could see in his eyes, the sympathy for me. I hated when people look at me with sympathy. He opened his mouth to speak but he said nothing. He hugged me tight once more.  

"I love you and I'm never leaving." He whispered into my ear. 

He opened my screen door and held it open for me. I thought eventually he would as how it happened but he has asked yet. We sat down at the dining table and he raided my fridge , like it was his place. As he sat down to eat my Lunchable, I wanted to tell him everything. I just couldn't bring myself to explain. 

"I see it in your eyes, I don't want to know how it happened. I want to know my girlfriend is okay, i want to be here for support and protect her from everything. I need to be here for you more often, I'm so sorry." He spoke softly, putting his ham and cheese between two crackers. 

 I brushed my hands on his back as I got up to make me a bowl of froot loops. I went to grab the milk when a sharp pain spread all over my body causing me to hit the floor in a scream. I hear Cameron jump up and run toward me. My vision went blurry and I couldn't hear him screaming at me. I laid in his lap on the floor, looking up at the florescent lights, not moving a muscle.  Was My body just in shock or was my body dying? I felt no fear. New blurry faces appeared and bright lights shined. Nothing was visible, everything was dark now. I felt myself slip into what felt like a deep sleep. 


"let's get her onto the gurney stat!" I heard someone barking orders as i was waking up. My vision was clear and i saw several people laying me onto a bed. What is going on? Who the fuck do they think they are moving me? I started to freak out and tried to get out of the bed. Well it was Me against at least 6 people so yeah that didn't work out to well. They all held me down and put me to the ambulance.  I felt Cameron squeeze my hand as the rough ride started. I squeezed my eyes shut as i saw the paramedic get out a needle. I held onto Cameron's hand really tight as she started the I.V. I was hoping i could kill that bitch, but she's the one with the needle so she wins. My eyes shut slowly and darkness yet again took over me. 


Beep....Beep...Beep...Beep... Good God that noise was so fucking annoying! I opened my eyes to see the monitor making the noise. Cameron saw me open my eyes and jumped to my aid. 

"Why am I here?" I whispered, holding my head.   

"You'll be okay baby." Was all he said, totally ignoring my question. 

A nurse entered the room, with a binder. She looked at Cameron and back at me. 

"The doctor thinks you'll be okay to go home." She gave me a form to sign.

Cameron helped me out of bed and we walked down the hall. When we made it to the entrance, my grandma's car was pulled up.  I don't remember much of the ride, I laid in Cameron's arms and slept. He was.. I can't be i'm going to be cheesy like this, but he was... my Knight in shining armor. Ha ha just kidding, I know he's the one for me. I will love him forever. 


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