Star Wars?

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  Hey, Readers! Thank you so much for reading! Lesson Never Learned is ending soon! The second book will soon follow, I'm just currently stuck on what to call it. If you have an idea, I'm open to hearing what you've got. Let me know in the comments. thanks again. -Thatweirdo_thatreads. 

Thursday Night...

So after many hours of chilling on the couch eating pringles, I finally got a message from Carter. It was ten 0' clock and he wanted to go see a movie. Ugh, I didn't want to move a muscle or even attempt to get up and around.  

Me: Sure, I'd love to go to the movies with you, what time tomorrow? 

Carter: Well I'm busy tomorrow, would tonight be okay? 

Me: that's fine. 

He replied so fast, It made me happy. I kinda felt wanted. I wasn't happy I had to move around and pick out an outfit, though.   We decided to go see Star Wars and let's just say I know nothing about Star Wars. I chose the movie, great now he's going to think I like Star Wars. I got up and picked out a red flannel with my AC/DC shirt underneath and my favorite ripped jeans. I combed my hair a little and called it good. I was at least an hour away from the theater but I left about 30 minutes before the movie was going to start. Let's just say I didn't drive fast enough and I was 20 minutes late. Carter called me as I got into the theater parking lot. 

"Hello." I tried to sound cute as I said that. 

"Hey, are you almost here?" Carter said in a husky tone. 

"Yeah, just pulled in," I said with the phone to my shoulder, as I pulled into a parking spot. 

I hung up as I put on the parking brake and turned off the car. I threw on my coat and headed to the door. Carter stood by the door. He looked so much different from his pictures on Tinder. He was very tall and not as skinny as I thought, He had short dark brown hair and sparkly brown eyes. I loved what he wore, He had on a simple red polo, nice jeans and a pair of gray vans. I'll say I wasn't that impressed by him, but I wasn't going to leave. Let's see how this date goes. He smiled at me, flashing me his dimples. I'm a sucker for guys with dimples. He held the door open for me but I motioned for him to go first. I wasn't telling him to go first to be nice, I wanted to look at his butt. That would definitely determine whether I wanted to see him again.  

As he walked past I caught a whiff of his cologne, at the moment I fell in love with his smell. I instantly forgot about his smell when I saw his ass! Oh my! I loved his ass, I kinda of wanted to grab it, I thought that might be weird so I didn't try.  He bought the tickets and we walked to theater number 6. He walked faster than me, Not noticing I was struggling to keep up because I have little legs. Hello, person with little legs here! slow down! I basically had to run to keep up.   


The movie was weird and boring I wanted to go home. He didn't even try to put his arm around but his smell was intoxicating so I enjoyed that aspect. The second the movie ended we both jumped to our feet, this time I was the one walking faster. Carter cleared his throat preparing to speak. 

"So, I take it, you had no idea what was going on in the movie. You appeared bored." He chuckled. 

I laughed a little before talking. "Yeah. I haven't really seen much of Star Wars." 

"Then why did you chose it?" He laughed again. 

I shrugged my shoulders as I unlocked my car door. I sat down and started my car. We smiled at each other. 

"So do you want to come over to my place tomorrow? we can watch Star Wars to catch you up." He smiled bigger. 

"Sure. Thanks for taking me out." I started to put my legs into the car. 

"See you later." He said, Winking at me. I kind of wanted to see what he was driving but I drove off right after he left. I smiled to myself as I drove to the nearest gas station. I felt something and he didn't even touch me. Maybe it's just a girl thing but I think I could see this go far. 

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