Not Just Yet

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Hey Hey! 2 more chapters of this book than it's onto the next! I hope you enjoy! thanks for reading! This chapter will probably have lots of mis-spellings and grammer issues and I blame that entirely on Grammerly not wanting to do it's job lol.  lots of love - Thatweirdo_thatreads 


I woke up and groggily rolled out of bed just like any other boring, terrible day. At least I was up before noon right? That's a start. Everyday starts with an "what should I do today?" Isn't that so pathetic? I've burned so many bridges and now I have no one. Why must I began each day with a suicidal thought? I want to have someone that will take it all away and love me even when I hate myself. 

I want to better myself, everyone talks about my behavior and that I need to grow up and become an adult? Like what does that even mean? I put on my black sweats and kissed Mason's head as I grabbed my keys. I drove to the nearest Planet Fitness, I don't know why I thought going to a gym would improve my behavior but at least it would improve my nice ass right? I haven't been into a gym since I was 7, when my dad worked in a gym and cried when he broke his finger trying to show off. What a stupid fuck, Oh look that's where I get my brains. 

I parked and walked to the front desk. The cute guy smiled and welcomed me to Planet Fitness, Oh yeah I like this place already. This place has got to crawling with sex gods. "Do you have your membership card with you?" The cutie said pulling me out of my thoughts. 

Membership for a gym? Are you kidding? They do that? What the fuck, I have to commit to this place to look at sex gods as I pretend I enjoy working out. 

"No. This is my first time here." I said, sounding annoyed. 

I have learned that you should never say that to a gym employee, I should of known as soon as he smiled so big I thought he might pop. He talked and talked for what felt like hours about how wonderful the gym is and how memberships are "totally worth it". Like where the fuck is his mute button? Okay, Okay. Yes I ended up getting the Black Card membership, Can you blame me? He was really cute maybe not at a sex god level but good enough to earn my cash. 

He handed me my new membership card and smiled again. "Enjoy your workout." 

"Yeah, thanks." 

I ran to the nearest machine and turned it on, It started up really fast and Well I fell off and basically tasted the carpet. No one seems to care or even pay attention to the clumsy skinny chick. I got up and tried for round two with the death trap. 

Just as I started to warm up to the machine my phone vibrated in my pocket. I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and saw a text from Carter. 

"What are you doing? ;)" 

Oh, he's winking at me now, He better not be all talk and no action. I need some action or I'll die. Hell, I'd fuck any guy in this gym right now. I replied and plugged my headphones in and listened to Goosebumps by Travis Scott. That's the shit. 

After 30 minutes on that machine I was dying! I was sweating like a waterfall and heavily breathing like crazy. My legs felt like jello, I wanted to stop, go home and stuff a pop tart in my mouth. I was done, I collected my things and limped to the door. When I got to my car I sat in my chair so fast, If I would of stood for any longer my legs would of given out. 

I drove home and was instantly greeted by Mason when I walked in, I walked to the kitchen and grabbed that pop tart that I promised myself. I popped my pop tart in the toaster and sat down at the dining table. My phone pinged with a text message. There it was another text from Carter. 

"Want to come over now?" 

I did a little girly squeal and replied with "Yes." instantly. I heard my pop tart pop up and I grabbed it and headed to my room. I finished my pop tart within seconds and started to pick out and outfit. I picked out my favorite blue jeggings, a metel tee and a red flannel. I took a quick shower and got dressed. I straightened my hair really quickly. Well thirty minutes that's quick right? Well for a girl, yeah that's  quick. 

He texted me his address an hour ago and I'm just now leaving, typical me. When I got there I was surprised, I expected to be at an apartment complex but instead I was parked in front of a large white house. I texted him that I was here and waited for him to come outside to greet me. I didn't want to knock and be at the wrong house, how embarrassing! 

A couple minutes passed and no reply. I wait a little bit longer and saw him come out side and walk down the stairs. I smiled as he walked toward my car. What is wrong with me? Why was I smiling! He opened up my car door and smiled at me. I got out and shut and locked my door. 

"Hey there Cutie!" He said as we walked up to his house, I smiled and laughed. He held the screen door open for me and I walked in. I waited for him to come in and lead the way. The house was huge, I figured he had roommates so I didn't ask. We walked up the wooden staircase, Great more walking. My legs didn't like that, they were already aching from my little workout. We finally got up the stairs and into his room. It was a little messy but I could tell he tried him best to pick up. 

I sat on his bed and already wanted to sleep. His bed was memory foam! yes! We both sat on the edge of the bed awkardly, we didn't say a word for a few minutes. He got up and turned on the first episode. The movie started and we both didn't move from our spots. Truthfully I didn't want to catch up on star wars, I just wanted to hang out with him. Ten minutes into the movie he put his arm around me and I put my head on his shoulder. He was warm and I kid you not I felt a tingle. Okay i'm offically pathetic. The episode seemed to go on forever and I was bored. The firsy episode finally ended and we found ourselves spooning and we both didn't move. 

I thought he would get up and turn on the next episode but he didn't we just cuddled for a while in the pitch black room. His hand would trail every now and then to touch my ass. I was completely okay with it, Like boy you better touch that ass. I knew he was testing the waters and I wanted to give him the green light. I grabbed his hand and put it in my pants. He instantly pulled his hand out. What? Did I just get cockblocked? When did a guy every say "No." to sex. 

"May, I like you, I really do. Not just yet, okay?" He said in a husky voice. 

I was kind of hurt that he didn't want to have sex with me. I was really wanting to, but I respect that and hell that made me like him even more. At least I know that I won't be used for sex. I didn't reply to him and I hugged him arm. I didn't plan on sleeping over at his place but sleep was taking over and I wasn't going to fight it. 

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