A Hope For Halloween

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Meanwhile in Skellington Manor, Jack the Pumpkin King pours himself an aging cabernet sauvignon in a crystal glass. He sits by the fire while reading some Edgar Allen Poe. The Raven has always been his favorite and he has read it so many times he can recite it word for word. Though nothing can compare to his Shakespearean quotations.
Suddenly the doorbell rings, the sound of screams fills the air. Jack sets down the book and opens the door. "Well! Hello Mayor, won't you come in?" He widens the door, gesturing his long boney arm to welcome his long-time friend inside. The Mayor seems to have on his sad face tonight, blue and distraught. Jack wonders why that may be.
"Oh, evening Jack." The Mayor solemnly says as his saddened eyes sink to the floor. He allows Jack to pour him a glass of wine as he settles in the living room by the fire.
"Why the long face? Usually, you're giddy this time of year," Jack asks as he hands him his wine and sits in the narrow lounge chair across from his guest.
"It's just... I saw one of Boogie's cronies creeping the streets earlier today, probably up to no good I assume." He sips his glass and sniffs, "I hate that Halloween Town has become infested with crime. I'm the Mayor; I should prevent this from happening. I don't know Jack, maybe I'm not such a great elected official after all." He sets the glass down on the table before him and takes off his tall hat.
Jack shakes his skull in shame and wonders aloud, "What has this town come to? It's not right."
"The streets aren't safe anymore, Jack," the Mayor states as he toys with his sleeve. "I've always thought of you as my son, I'd hate if anything were to happen to you. I know you have quite a few bones to pick with Oogie," he says and then quickly gulps down what's left of his wine and twirls the empty glass in his hand.
"Oogie wouldn't dare to get anywhere near me," Jack snaps, anger filling his bones as he thinks about that despicable boogieman.
Oogie Boogie is the biggest, baddest gangster in Halloween Town. He and his cronies are known for an assortment of organized crimes, drug transportation, and prostitution. Halloween is supposed to be a town of scares and spooks, but nothing like this. He's everyone's worst nightmare! If you ever found yourself on his Boogie list, you'd best get out of town!
"I just wish there was a way we can give him a taste of his own medicine," the Mayor mumbles, resting his chin upon his fist. "I'd like to see him locked up for good."
"Yes, what if we could?" It was at that moment Jack perks his skull up, snapping his fingers, "Wait, I got it!"
"I have a plan."
The Mayor's face twists into a delighted one, "Tell me, my boy!"
"Rumor has it that Oogie Boogie is on the prowl for a harlot."
"Okay..." The Mayor says, wondering what that has to do with anything.
"Don't you see? He's getting desperate. His ladies are quitting on him and he's losing money. His drug trafficking business hasn't been the same ever since the drug bust in St. Pattricksville," Jack explains.
"So he's looking for some fresh blood. So what?"
"What if that 'fresh blood,' AKA the harlot he's been looking for, had the ability to lock him away for good?"
"How is that possible? Not even you could kill him. What makes you so sure anyone else can?"
"I was wrong to think it would be that easy," He says, remembering that night well. "How dare you treat my friends so shamefully!" He said as he yanked on Oogie's loose thread until the seams of his body split open, revealing a mass of insects. One by one, a few fell out of Oogie's arm until the string was caught on his escape ceiling fan. Those bugs still haunt Jack to this day. "He's not an easy man to kill. In fact, he's lived in Halloween Town longer than any of us have. No, it won't be easy, not at all, but there is a way to trap him to where he'll never cause terror in our town ever again." A cloud of enthusiasm rushes over him. Could there be hope for Halloween after all?
"I don't know," the Mayor spins back to his unconfident self again, "This all sounds so dangerous."
Jack leans forward with an intense, skeletal grin, "Not if we use the right dame."

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