Grave Danger

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"So you're clear on the plan?" Velma asks.
"I think so," Chapel says.
The two of them are making their way back to the graveyard.
When they approach the gate. Velma looks around but sinks her head in disappointment when she discovers the place to be empty. She soon becomes concerned when she attempts to figure out where they could have gone.
"No," she gasps in horror as her eyes bulge out in sudden realization.
"What?" Chapel looks at her puzzled.
"No..." She says once more.
"They wouldn't be that stupid would they?"
"Who, Jack?"
"They wouldn't... while we've been out here... what if they think something happened to me–– happened to us? They wouldn't think something terrible happened, would they? Would they?" She clenches on to Chapel's arms while Chapel holds her still, trying to calm her down.
"What's going on? Tell me," Chapel shakes her as Velma continues to stare off in space, lost in her own mind. "Was Jack here?"
At first Velma doesn't say a word as she's captivated by guilt towards her dear sister and Jack, but then she brings herself back to reality and forces the words out of her mouth, "He has them..." She breathes heavily.
Chapel stops shaking her but leaves her hands on her shoulders, frozen in place. "What?"
"Jack and Sally. They're in danger."
Suddenly, the empty night sky becomes filled with a swarm of bats. Nothing is to be heard other than the sound of high-pitched shrieks and the wind escaping beneath their demonic, leathery wings.

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