A Ghoulish Grin

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I am the one hiding under your bed
Teeth grown sharp and eyes glowing red
I am the one hiding under your stairs
Fingers like snakes and spiders in my hair

It's not the dark you should fear, for it's what's in the dark that is all the more frightening. When your heart is racing and you feel like something–– or someone–– is watching you, that is when you know he's there.
I am the "who" when you call, "who's there?"
I am the wind blowing through your hair.
I am the shadow on the moon at night
Filling your dreams to the brim with fright

Oogie Boogie peeks through the full moon to observe his Halloween kingdom down below. He grins a ghoulish grin, soon this town will be his. He watches as the Pumpkin King enters his lair, along with his candy-apple companion and a few other people he couldn't care less about. Little do they know they're walking into their own grave.
He chuckles while shaking his head. Chapel is a lot more gullible than he gave her credit for. He knew she'd do anything for those brats he raised for the last fourteen years. He didn't, however, expect her to actually kill Jack Skellington. Though that would be a pleasant surprise. He's interested in seeing how this plays out. If she fails, like he knows she will, the puppet master might just have to come out of retirement.
Oogie remembers that fateful night five years ago, when Jack had ultimately defeated him... or so he thought...
Surely he must have known better than to think it would be so simple as to unravel the ugly within. He remembers how painful it was when his skin was tangled in the blades. That, Oogie recalls, was not a pleasant day at all. It took half a decade to materialize back to his old self and for his manifestation of revenge to take form. Now he is stronger and far more furious than he ever was before.
From afar, he sees Chapel and Velma rushing their way towards the graveyard. On the prowl for the Pumpkin King. It won't be long until they find him now.
Within seconds he dissolves into a flock of bats and swarms into the night sky.

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