The Unwelcomed Guest

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The graveyard is beautiful this time of year. The crisp air entices the senses as the tombstones stand tall and proud, jutting out from the earth, each and every one unique with their granite stone-cold faces memorializing the dead in such an elegant, everlasting way. Chapel spots her brother's grave in the distance just below Curly Mountain. Its cross-shaped marble figure warms her heart in such a way that it makes her feel as if someone up above is watching over her. She smiles to herself and presses a pendant against her heart. She believes the necklace her brother gave her long ago gives her the courage for what she's about to do next.
Eddie hastily grasps on to her shoulder in fear that she might fall. He worriedly asks, "Are you okay?"
Chapel waves him away and lets out a fatigued whimper, "I'm fine, hon."
"Are you sure you're up for this? The Enchanted Sisters said you needed rest these next few weeks," Eddie says, reconsidering Chapel's reunion in fear of her health. He rests his hand on her back to gently support her.
"Babe...I can do this," she says and kisses him, "Let me."
"Okay. Okay."
She lets him go as she continues on through the rambles and dirt towards the slumped tree house. "This is it," she says, as she comes to a halt and gazes at the grim residence in the distance. To her, the tree house is so immense that if it stretched its spine it could grab the sun with its gangly fingers and pummel it down on her with one throw. Her moment of truth has arrived, but she can't help but wonder if Oogie was right all along. Did she lose her motherly right by signing away her children? Would they forgive her for abandoning them? With one last breath, she closes her eyes, and approaches the rusty, overlarge birdcage hanging by a single rope as it dangles over the rickety bridge. Eddie stays below as she pulls herself up into the opening of the house.

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