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The crisp autumn breeze means death is in the air and the season of Harvest has begun. October is worshipped in this town of Halloween. The atmosphere is filled with excitement and anticipation for the Eve of All Hallows. The air should be full of scares and spooks as that is the true meaning of Halloween.
Nothing like this.
A horrible feeling has coursed through Jack's bones as he holds a sleeping Sally in his arms on the peak of Curly Mountain. He starts to question if this was a good idea; sending Velma off like this. He knows he has a tendency to jump into action before thinking things through. Usually he has Sally to be his voice of reason but it seems as though she wants Oogie's demise just as badly as he does. Jack softly kisses her on the head, careful not to wake her up. Just as his lips separate from her red hair, he hears his name from across the cemetery. He squints, trying see through the thick darkness. At once, two young men approach Jack and Sally nearly gasping out of breath as they've run all the way here.
Sally jolts wide awake.
"Samuel? Eddie? What's going on?" Jack wonders. He and Sally descend down the unraveling curl of the mountain to join their friends.
Samuel says through labored breath,"It's Chapel! She's in danger!"
Panic traces Jack's tone, "Danger how?"
"She's gone crazy, Jack," Eddie explains. "Says she's going to 'make things right again' but wouldn't tell me anything else. She just kissed me and left..." Eddie says, hysterical as he rakes his fingers through his blonde hair.
Sally looks up at Jack with alarmingly wide eyes.
Jack asks, "When was the last time you spoke to her?"
"Five hours ago at the tattoo parlor. On the walk home she started crying and we got in this fight... then she stormed off." Eddie explains through rushed breaths.
"Maybe we should call the Mayor. He can set up a search party on her whereabouts." Sally suggests, tugging on Jack's sleeve.
"No, there won't be any time," Samuel's voice is stern with a tinge of panic. He hesitates to continue, "I think I know where she is but you're not gonna like it." Samuel looks at Eddie regretfully. He says grimly, "She's gone to Oogie's lair."
Eddie turns to him with a puzzled look on his face, "What? Why?"
Samuel shuts his eyes as he builds the courage to say what he says next, knowing he's breaking the promise he had recently made. He explains to everyone what Chapel had told him at the tattoo parlor; her past with Oogie, the sick things he made her do and the sick things he did to her. He told them about the pregnancy, how she had lied about the abortion and how she had given the newborn babies to Oogie who has raised them for the last fourteen years. When he's finished, the news settles in the air with fog as thick as jellied brains...
Or thicker.
"I..." Eddie can't find it in him to speak. He's completely thrown off guard. "I don't believe it. Why wouldn't she tell me this...?" He turns to Samuel.
"Oh, Eddie," Sally lays a gentle hand on his shoulder. "I'm sure she was waiting for the right time to tell you. Any reason she had came from a place of love and possibly the fear of losing you."
Eddie nods slowly, trying his best to understand. He's grateful for Sally's calm, reassuring presence. He needs it now more than ever.
"That still doesn't explain why she'd go to Oogie after all these years," Sally says.
"I think she's gonna try to rescue them," Samuel realizes.
"We've got to get her out of there! Sally, you stay here."
"No Jack," She takes Jack's hand, "I'm coming with you."
Jack grins and the four of them run to Oogie's lair.

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