Between the Bedsheets

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Chapel has been on bed rest all morning and mid-afternoon. It wasn't until 3:00 that the Enchanted Sisters finally gave her the okay to walk around. Her head still aches and her body is still sore, but at least she can stretch her limbs without the burning sensation coursing through her body, or the feeling of broken glass sticking out from under her skin due to last night's malignant spiritual possession. The pain is mild now and much more bearable. Eddie had made her some chamomile tea earlier in the morning, refusing to make her usual cup of coffee saying she didn't need anything to excite her as her heart is still in a fragile state. The tea has been sitting on the nightstand, which has now gone cold, as she's only taken a few sips from it. God bless him. He's the love of her life, as tacky as it sounds. There is no one she'd imagine herself with other than him. She lets out a smile as her baby pulls a black t-shirt over his head, his blonde hair now wild as it sticks up in all directions.
Today is Halloween, her first Halloween with Eddie. She always imagined it to be much more romantic and less... bedridden, but she does her best to keep her spirits high.
For the last fourteen years, this day has always put a bittersweet taste in her mouth, as she spent it alone, always remembering that Halloween night in the hospital, her heart a shattering mess as she held her tiny infants in her arms... Knowing that she would have to give them up to that monster. She felt so scared and so terribly alone.
Eddie, now fully dressed, plops into bed with her. Their bodies bounce from the bedsprings. He kisses her good on the lips. Despite the pain running all through her body, it makes her inner loins tingle, "Babe." She gasps as he pulls her in. Both of their bodies heat up from animalistic excitement.
He moans as he sucks on her neck hungrily, "Yeah?" For a new vampire he has a lot of self-control. Normally, a vampire would never be seen in the same room with a human but the two of them manage. If you truly love someone you do anything and everything in your power to make things work, no matter what.
He climbs on top of her and slowly moves his body up and down hers as he presses his lips on her neck, careful not to sink his teeth into her soft flesh. She clears her strained throat, "I think... I think today's the day."
Eddie's face falls, knowing exactly what she means. He sits up, still on top of her, "Are you sure this is what you want to do?"
Chapel nods, "I don't think I've ever been more sure of anything in my entire life."
Eddie tucks her raven hair behind her ears and plants a kiss on her forehead. The two of them stay like this for a while with their foreheads touching and their eyes closed as they hold each other tight. There's something intimate about the way they are. It's almost as if she can enter his mind and touch his soul from the inside. Everything that defines him is sprawled out before her like aligning planets and stars in the night sky. She can sense when he's about to breathe before the oxygen reaches his lungs. In that moment they are one body; all of her pains and all of his pains, their internal scars, their imperfections, their mistakes, all one.
Love doesn't always last. Sometimes love decays and sometimes it's betrayed. However long that love may last, whether it's a year or 60 years, it is best to experience every second of it to its full potential.
There will come a time when Eddie will outlive Chapel. He knows this, and she knows this, which is why he's spending every second with her before their time runs out.

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