Can of Worms

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It's about 3:00 in the afternoon and Chapel thinks it would be a fun idea for her and Eddie to get matching tattoos at the Octopus. It's called the Octopus for three reasons; the parlor consists of eight different artists, it opens at 8:00 am, and it's a clever play on the use of ink. The building is also in the shape of a cobblestoned octopus in the center of Jack-O-Lantern Square. Eddie is unsure of the idea at first. He figures since the needle cuts the skin, basically creating a work of art out of an open wound, that it wouldn't work for his case because vampires don't bleed and their skin is like stone. Their artist, Samuel Carter, who is also a vampire, explains to him that he uses a special kind of ink made just for vampires. The needle, too, is unique as its built specifically for tough skin such as theirs. Still nervous, he allows Chapel to go first.
They both agree on getting a design of a sugar skull with flowers laced all around the face and in the eyeholes with a banner going around it saying, Til death do us part. Samuel uses the needle for humans on her and starts working on her right shoulder. At first, she clenches on to Eddie's hand while shutting her eyes closed and hissing through the pain until her adrenalin kicks in and she becomes numb. The buzz of the needle always excites her whenever she gets a new tattoo. She and Eddie have only been dating for five months now but their love has grown quickly and steadily and will continue to strengthen over time. This tattoo will bind them closer than any marriage certificate ever will.
"This might take several hours if you want to go walk around for a little babe," Chapel suggests, breathing slowly so as not to move too much. "Maybe you could get me some water. It helps with the pain."
"Sure thing, sweetheart," He kisses her hand before letting go.
"Helgamine's Tavern is just across the street from town hall," Samuel suggests.
Eddie nods and walks out.
"So," Chapel grunts once Eddie has left the parlor. "How's Ramona doing these days? I haven't seen her at work in a while."
"She's good," He pauses, "She's pregnant."
Chapel can hardly contain her excitement, "Really? That's wonderful!"
"Yeah, we've been trying for years now. She surprised me by putting the pregnancy test in a gift box. Ah man, I freaked! But like a good kinda freaked, you know?"
Chapel grins, "I'm so happy for you two."
"How 'bout you and Eddie? Ever consider being a mom?"
Chapel's heart sinks at the thought of that, "Not after what happened."

January 1984

A young Chapel Winters stumbled into Oogie's lair. Her raven hair was cut short in a bob cut. Her red dress reeked of booze and cheap perfume. She was a little drunk from the party earlier that evening and her studded, black stilettos were killing her feet. She couldn't stop giggling as she used the wall to balance herself.

Still tattooing, "That was different," Samuel says, "You were raped."

Oogie Boogie found young Chapel in the corner, prying off her pointy heels and tossing them to the floor. She didn't notice him at first until he picked up the shoes and set them down neatly by the wall.
She stood to her feet, "Mr. Boogie." Her voice squeaked.
"Turn around," He said.
Skeptical, she did as told and Oogie slowly and gently unzipped her dress.
"You're so pretty tonight, Doll Face."
Her lip quivered. "Th-th-thanks."

"I can't stop thinking about it," Chapel says. "It happened a decade ago but it feels like it was yesterday."

Oogie peeled off her liquored dress as young Chapel stood facing the wall, now completely naked, "I could catch my death, it's so cold in here." She shivered as she held herself tight.
Oogie suggested, "Why don't you lay down for a spell and get some rest?" He rubbed her shoulders to warm her a bit.
Chapel said slowly, "Okay..."

"You were right to get the abortion though. No kid deserves Oogie Boogie as a father," Samuel says.
"Yeah..." Chapel says skeptically, wondering if she should tell him this or not. "Except... I never got the abortion." Her heart leaps at the sudden halt of the needle on her skin as Samuel shuts off the buzzing. He stares at her coldly, unable to move a single muscle. "Sammy, stop looking at me like that. I mean it, stop."
"What do you mean you didn't get the abortion? I don't understand."
"I mean I didn't get it," She says dryly.
"You told me you did––"
"I know," She snaps.
"Remember when I said I was going away for a year? My brother had just died and I wanted a change of scenery... well, that wasn't a lie. But what I didn't tell you was that I was staying with my mom for those nine months. She helped me with the pregnancy... but when the medical bills were piling up Oogie stepped in... with a catch of course."
"What did he make you do?" Samuel retorts, a darkness casting over him in that overprotective way he gets towards his friend who has always been like a little sister to him.
"He wanted full custody." She's never told a single person this before and reliving the memory is torturous. "It was Halloween night in '84. My mom was by my side the whole time," She says, reminiscing. What she didn't tell him was that Oogie was standing in a dark corner of the hospital room quietly watching her throughout the entire birth. It was unsettling. She cringes at the thought of him. "Promise me, Sammy, promise you won't tell a living soul, not Ramona, not Eddie. No one." She grips the collar of his t-shirt as she yanks him down to her level. "Promise me dammit!"
"Yes, yes okay, your secret's safe with me," Samuel wants to ask why she had kept this from him for so long, then Eddie walks in with two bottles of pumpkin beer and a bottled water.
"I've come bearing gifts," Eddie says cheerfully, handing one of the beers to Samuel.
"Thanks man," He holds up the bottle as a gesture of gratitude and twists it open. He tries his best to shake off the tension between him and Chapel and continues her tattoo as if nothing ever happened.
Chapel takes the bottled water, taking a few sips as she tries to distract herself from the can of worms she had just opened. She can't help but think about the past. She was seventeen when she was pregnant and she was terrified. Carrying Oogie's living DNA felt like parasites eating her from the inside. It made her feel ill and exposed, vulnerable and raw. Signing her motherly rights away to Oogie seemed like a great idea at the time because it meant complete freedom, but guilt has been building up inside of her, her stomach aching from regret. She desires closure and the only one who possesses that is the devil himself.

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