The Right Dame

218 3 0

October 30, 1998

"Oh Jack, I wish the Mayor wasn't so busy with the upcoming election. You know how much I hate this part of town," Sally says with dismay as she sinks her eyes to the ground. Jack knows why she hates coming here; it's where Dr. Finklestein's laboratory is. Even though it's been years since she moved out by the legal binding of marriage, she's still haunted by the days when she was locked up in that watch tower with nothing but the rusty sewing machine to keep her entertained.
He kisses the top of her head and reassures her, "It'll only be a minute, three tops. We'll be back in Jack-O-Lantern Square in no time." The two of them walk down the alley of Nightmare Grove together. Sally is nervous about seeing her sister Velma after all these years.
Velma's house is barely visible from the vines and untrimmed weeds entangling all around it. If it weren't for the pumpkin patch surrounding the house and the twinkling lights hanging from the roof they would have assumed this house had been abandoned for years. Just behind the small house is the graveyard and in the distance is Curly Mountain. A crooked wrought iron fence divides her house from the graveyard with dead vines twisted and tangled all around the bars. Jack finds it hard to believe a woman like Velma lives in a house like this, but then again, he doesn't know her all that well to begin with.
"Velma, open up! It's Jack!" He bangs on her door rapidly with his boney fist. Sally stands far behind him with her hands cupped to her mouth, holding back nerves. She's always under the false assumption of some sort of premonition, like she can sense it in the wind. But there's no stopping Jack once he's set his heart to something.
The two of them hear a loud crash from inside, almost like the sound of pots and pans plummeting to the floor followed by a cry of irritation. "I'm comin', I'm comin', quit your bangin' geez." The door swings open. She's a ragdoll, much like Sally. Her skin is a light greyish color with stitches running all down her body. She has purple hair that falls below her shoulders in messy curls, like she hasn't brushed it in a while. She has eyeliner smudged below her eyes and faded red lipstick, as if she hadn't bothered to clean herself off from the night before. She's even wearing a black and white zigzag dress with holes on each side to reveal her bare shoulders.
"You look like death," Jack gawks.
Velma tiredly leans against the door hinge, an empty bottle of pumpkin beer hanging from her hand. She grins, "I may be a mess, but I'm a hot mess nonetheless," She belches. "Come in, if you dare." Velma gestures inward as the couple hesitates before following her inside. They stand by the front door as they watch her sitting on her hands and knees on the kitchen floor. "I was trying to make snake and spider stew... but I'm afraid I'm all out of spiders," She explains and gathers the pots that have fallen and places them back in the cabinet over the stove where scented candles are placed. Once she fixes the mess she invites her guests to sit at the table, removing a pile of fashion magazines smeared with nail polish. Jack and Sally share skeptical glances at one another before taking a seat. "So what brings the Skellingtons to this part of town?" She props up her legs on the table as she leans back in her chair and lights herself a cigarette.
Jack slowly speaks, "We have a proposition for you."
Velma props herself up in interest, "Are you looking for a possible candidate for a ménage à trois? 'Cause, you know, I like a little bone if ya know I mean," She playfully winks at Jack.
"Just hear him out please," Sally protests in her soft voice.
"I would rock you guy's world and you know it," She says as she blows smoke from her chapped lips.
"We need your help to take down Oogie Boogie," Jack says matter-of-factly.
Velma pauses and asks in disbelief, "Yikes, the Boogieman?"
Jack nods.
"And what makes you think I'd be of any help?"
"Crime is no stranger to you, my dear. We are fully aware of your swindling reputation."
"Hmm..." Velma takes this in as she reclines in her seat. An immense grin grows upon her face uncontrollably. She enjoys every second of this moment. "How interesting that after two years of locking me away you are here now, begging for my help."
Jack defensively sits up in his chair, "Who said anything about begging?" A part of him wants to leave this house right away. What was he thinking asking her for help? Impossible!
She plants her hand over her heart in an overdramatic manner, "You really think I could believe you've come to me first?"
Jack doesn't say anything for a while as the two of them engage in a staring contest, both refusing to look away. He sighs in defeat, "You are our only hope, Velma..."
Her sinister grin returns as she says, "My, how the tables have turned." She sticks her cigarette butt in the ashtray. "I can honestly say I'm flattered."
"This isn't funny Velma, I really need your cooperation," Jack says sternly with a tinge of desperation in the back of his throat.
She raises an eyebrow, "Yeah? What's in it for me?"
Jack sighs once again, "Name your price."
"One million dollars."
"Be serious, Velma."
She lets out a high-pitched giggle, "Well how 'bout nine hundred and ninety nine thousand nine hundred and ninety nine dollars in cash."
Frustrated, Jack grabs her by the collar of her dress and slams her against the wall. Sally screams at him to let her go. "Enough games, I could have you arrested––"
She chokes out, "Arrested for what?" Velma looks at him, knowing full well he's bluffing.
"For stolen money, identity fraud, prostitution. The list goes on. I could have you behind bars in less than a second."
She raises an eyebrow, "Is that any way to treat the one person that can help you, Jack?"
"Jack," Sally says from behind, "Let her go."
"Yeah, Jack, let me go," She grins tauntingly.
Ignoring her, Jack presses harder on Velma. "You owe me," He whispers.
"How dare you?" She pushes Jack off and straightens her dress, "You come into my home unannounced, you threaten me..." She lights up another cigarette. "How the fuck do you expect me to help you? I don't owe you shit!" She blows smoke into Jack's face as her eyes bounce from him to Sally. "You haven't called or visited me in years. Is that really how you treat your family? I wasn't even invited to your wedding and now you've come to me for help?"
Jack and Sally stay quiet.
"Get the fuck outa my house, the both of you!"
"Fine, let's go Sally."
Sally doesn't move. Her eyes are locked on Velma. "I'm sorry," She says softly. Velma refuses to look at her, forcing herself to stare at the ceiling with her hands on her hips. "About the wedding, I'm sorry. It's just that, no one knew if you would make it or..." The two women lock eyes but Velma quickly looks away. "It was a beautiful wedding. Jewel and dad were there. They asked for you. They miss you."
Velma smirks, "Dr. F missing me?" She wipes the mascara tears streaming down her face. "I doubt that."
"It's true," Sally nods. "He cried for months when you ran away and when you had taken all those pills he never left your side. Velma, he loves you."
"Yeah well, he has a fucked up way of showing it," She scoffs.
Sally hugs her sister. At first, Velma stands there with her arms dangling at her waist, but after a few moments of fallen tears she hugs her back and the two of them share a special moment as they cry in each other's arms.
Velma walks her guests to the door to see them out. "I'll do it," She says as they walk away. The door closes shut immediately before either of them have time to respond.
"And that," Jack points at the closed door where Velma had just stood, "Is why I brought you with me." He holds Sally close as they head down the shadowy dirt road.

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