Save Me

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I looked at the dusty sofa that was put in the corner of the room. I wanted to sit down but it's just so so dirty. I glanced over at Taehyung who was pulling draws out and searching them. I honestly don't see why Jimin and Taehyung wanted to come here. I... have a bad feeling about this room. I had a bad feeling about the whole thing.

I was upset that Namjoon even agreed. Shock overcame my body when I heard his answer. I don't trust this house but I do trust him. "Kookieee..." Taehyung came running to me and started to pout. "Why are you just standing there? Help Me!"

Man. His something else. I pulled my hand away from him. "I'm bored. I don't like this place. I'm hungry and I just want to go." We shouldn't even be here. I wish that in some alternate universe we were performing in front of a crowd. Being in a boyband would be awesome. Anything would be more awesome than being in this bizarre and janky house.

I started to sniffle as I turned my back on Taehyung. "You can stay in here if you want but I'm going to sit outside and wait for Namjoon." I started to walk away from him and headed towards the door. "Kookie wait..." his voice trailed off so I figured he found something that caught his attention.

Right when I was about to touch the knob, I heard the most awful and deafening scream that has ever left Taehyung's mouth. It was bloodcurdling and chilling. The sound that I heard didn't even sound human. Every piece of hair stood up on my body as an eerie feeling crawled and pricked at my body. It was unearthly and he sounded like he was in agony.

Everything in my body was telling me to run. In my head, I was running out this door, down the stairs and never looking back... When I looked down, my feet were planted firmly to the ground as if I was stuck in cement. Why do people never listen to their first instinct? I gulp as I slowly turn around and lost my breath. There, lying on the floor was a crumpled Taehyung.

I could feel the color slip from my face as I felt my blood run ice cold. I was literally tripping over myself to get to him. "Taehyung?" I shook him as hard as I could. "Tae !" My eyes were hot as tears threatened to spill. "Namjoooon!" My voice bellowed all around the room as I yelled for my beloved. He said he would come save me. He said if we were in trouble, he would come right away. Where the HELL is he!?

I lifted Taehyung and saw blood was coming from his mouth and his eyes had rolled to the back of his head.

I started to tremble at the sight. I got to get him out of here. I knew something wasn't right about this jacked up house. I pulled his head to my chest as I tried to pull his body up. At the moment I did that, this horrible pain shot through my legs and I collapsed to my knees on the grimy and cruddy floor.

Taehyung hit the floor with a thud. A horrid pain shot through my head and I clutched both sides of my head. My eye sight began to get blurry as I slowly tilted over. Then what felt like a kick to my stomach made me fall over on my side. Rolling over on my stomach, I looked at the unmoving Taehyung. I reached my hand out, trying to grab him. My eyes started to feel heavy like I was given some anesthesia.

I tried everything in my power to keep them open but I just couldn't stay awake. I wanted to sleep.

"Tae..." his name came out barely above a whisper as I lost the will to keep going and lost consciousness.

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