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Yoongi P.O.V

   I honestly have no idea why I was on top of Jimin. Also, why did he moan out my name the way he did? All I did was... suddenly I remember what was going on in my head. What this godforsaken place was making me see. I mean some of it was true. Like about my dad. And Leo. But that dodgeball game. Being and confessing. Getty f jealous ? None of it was true. The whole scene never even happened.


   I think the only thing that was true was when I asked him does he remember when we first met. That part was true as well. Then I went on about how I thought I never thanked him for that day in the cemetery. He stopped me from drinking myself to death. I wanted to go join Leo after he left the way he did, but he told me Leo wouldn't like that. He lost his life, so I could continue mine.

   But...everything else never happened. Not me sleeping under the tree, going to the gym and playing dodgeball. Especially one as intense as that one. The scary thing felt so real. Like, unbelievably real. I felt like I was acting in a movie and I was the main character. Everything that I felt in there, felt like I was really feeling them. Like getting jealous over Jimin liking Jin...wait...

   I stopped walking and thought about what just went through my mind. Jealousy? Me? Why was I jealous of those two? I even told Jimin that I only liked girls when we came in here, but I don't have a problem with two guys dating. I would date a guy if I liked him.

   To me, there's nothing wrong with it. Everyone is equal. If I'm being honest, like really honest, I really only focus on the personality and atmosphere that I get from that person. I don't have an ideal type and it's not really limited to girls. Those are my true feelings. Is this place trying to tell me something or...? That I actually love Jimin?

   I should really ask him what was I doing to him earlier. I know what was happening in my mind, but it seems like I was taking it to a whole nother level. My lips felt really tired, hurting and swollen. I scratched my head. Man... I'm tired. I really want to just lay down and sleep. To forget that any of this exist.

   I closed my eyes and let out a sigh. "Uh..." I opened them again and saw that only me and Jimin was the only one in the hall now. I got lost in my thoughts about Jimin and ended up getting left outside with none other than Jimin. Great. Nicely done.

   "Uh..." I watched as Jimin looked awkwardly at his hands. "Are you coming? Everyone's waiting inside." Is that really all he has to say to me? If he has anything to say, now's the best time since everyone is inside. "Is there anything that you want to tell me?"

   I looked him in the eyes as I asked him. He started looking everywhere else but my face. I leaned down by his ear and whispered, "You don't have to tell me now, but you will tell me later. We have a few things to discuss if you will. You and I. Alone, if I'm making myself clear."

   He gulped and stared straight ahead. He didn't say anything, but I saw him nod. I smiled and touched his shoulder. "Good boy." And walked past him to go inside of the room. I walked into Jungkook and Taehyung flipping out.

   "Hyung! He's...He's not waking up!!" The boys were looking like they were about to cry. Namjoon was looking pale but he was trying to be brave in front of them.

   "Calm down everyone." I walked over to them and sat down against the wall. "We just got here. It's been no longer than maybe 10 minutes. We can't flip out right now at the most critical moment when we're still missing two of our members. "

   I watched as everyone stared at me. Even Jimin who finally decided to come in. "How are you so calm?" Taehyung asked me in disbelief. I couldn't answer him. In truthfully, I'm terrified as well. That we all came in here as 7 but we're going to be leaving as 6. I DIDN'T WANT to believe that. While Everyone is panicking, I believe We need someone to be calm. Even if that person is me.

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