Jump at Danger

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Nam-joon P.O.V

   I kept my head straight and walked on past Jongdae when I heard him call out to me. I pretended that I didn't hear him and went straight into the classroom. I know. I know I said I'll ask him about telling my parents but when I saw him, the anger and hurt came rushing back to me. I didn't bother looking at him when he walked through the door and sat down in his seat.

   The teacher walked in and we greeted her. She went on talking about the next lesson we were starting today. I felt my phone vibrate and I waited till she went back to the board before I took it out under my desk.

You didn't hear me call out to you when you walked by? Are you upset about something? You know you can talk to me.

   I put my phone back in my pocket and went back to writing my notes. I wasn't going to answer him. Fuck him. We ain't cool anymore. Not once did I turn to look at him. Not even when it was time for lunch. As soon as the teacher left, he came and pulled a chair to my desk. "Nam-joon. What's wrong with you? You didn't answer my text."

   I could feel Jongdae wearing his worry look. The urge to ask him if he did it was stronger than ever but I can't ask him straight up about it. I finally looked at him for the first time today. "Have you spoken to my parents recently Dae?" I watched his expression to see if anything showed up, telling me if I was wrong or not.

   "Yeah. This morning they called me. Your mom asked me to talk to you about your grades." He calmly replied. I looked at him quizzically. "I mean, did they talk to you yesterday?" He looked at me weirdly. "Yeahh. They did but isn't that normal? They're always snooping in our business." He lifted his hand to scratch at the back of his neck. When he said that, I became even more suspicious. Was he even my best friend? Why were my parents talking to him so much? Jongdae looked down nervously and tried to change the subject. "I heard that they are serving kimchi stew today. Plus, they're also giving us extra sausage for our rice! Wanna go?" I slightly glared at him and turned my face. "No thanks. I'm not really hungry." Jongdae was really surprised at my actions but he nodded. "Okay..." With that, he left my side.

   Then I saw Jae-hyung  sit in the chair that Jongdae had just left. "Oh, hello number 2. Seeing as how that's your number now, I thought that you could use some company. Two is a pair, right?" I recoiled from his pathetic excuse of an introduction. "What do you want Jae-hyung? So, what? You're number one, yayy! It's not like I care." I felt my voice drip with sarcasm. He then grabbed my shoulders as if we were friends and leaned in by my ear. I tried to shake him off but his grip was way more tighter than I thought it would be. "Oh, Joonie. You should know by now that only I,Park Jae-hyung, can be your number one. No one else." He then squeezed my shoulders as to confirm his revelation.

   Out of disgust, I grabbed my English text book and my box lunch and made my way to the roof. I made it halfway down the hall before I paused. My thoughts went back to Jae-hyung and then the shivers came. Ugh, what even was that? I shrugged and decided to continue to the rooftop. Once I got to the roof, I heard voices. "Stay away from him." It sounded like an angry boy. I hid by the door and peeked around the pillar. I crouched silently so I wouldn't be noticed. I saw Jongdae furiously glaring at the other boy. I was shocked. Jongdae normally never got this angry. Who made him lose his temper like that? "What do you want from him? Is it hate." He then looked off to the side lost in his thoughts. When he figured it out, he looked back up at the other guy. "Or possibly jealously? What has he done to you?" He was screaming at the top of his lungs. I wanted to rush to him and stop him but I noticed who he was yelling at.

   There. Standing in front of my best friend...no EX best friend, stood my newly acquired archenemies. Why would Jongdae pulled Jae-hyung to the roof to holler at him? No, how did he even beat me to the roof is the actual question. I didn't think there was another route to the roof. At his response, Jae-hyung just smirked. Who are they talking about that was making my ex friend angry and my archenemies smile. If I think about it, it was probably me. I really didn't want to hear it anymore seeing how I just really wanted to be alone. I guess the library was the only other quiet place in the school at this time. I turned back around and headed down the stairs that led me to the rooftop. Once I entered, there were only a few other students. Mostly loners who liked the quietness as well.

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