A Butterfly Trapped in a House of Cards

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Jimin's P.O.V

   Sung-Jae had finished his dinner first and went to take his bath. While he was in the bath, I decided to wash the dishes. When I grabbed for the gloves, Sung-Jae's aunt started speaking to me. "Oh, Jimin honey don't worry about it. I think I hear Sung-Jae getting out of the bath. You go ahead and take yours." After she finish, she hit me on the butt. At her touch, I became frozen. I don't know her and I don't know why she did that. I just knew...I was very uncomfortable at her sudden touch on my persons.

    I ended up stuttering. "Ye-yes." I got off the step stool and hurried up the stairs to get ready for my bath. I went into the room I was sharing with Sung-Jae. He was already fast asleep in his bed. I don't blame him though. We were up since 7:45am, played a long game of soccer with our friends from school, had frozen yogurt, came back had dinner and he took a long bath. I would be sleeping too, if I had only finished my food at the same time he did. Opening my suitcase, I rummaged through it and became happy when I found my hulk pajamas. He was my favorite from the Avengers. The reason that I like the Hulk is because I like how he smashes everything without being picky. He doesn't try to be sneaky, he just dominates whatever is in front of him.

    Smiling to myself, I hurried to the bathroom. I placed my clothes on the toilet seat and went to run my bath water. "Oh...?" When I looked over at the tub, it was already full with a lot of bubbles. "Oooo!" I stuck my hand in the tub and started playing with the bubbles. It was still warm. Sung-Jae must have ran the water after he got out. He had to made it hot because it wasn't cold at all. Even if he was my best friend, he was still being a nice host. He didn't have to do that but I was happy that he did. Now I don't have to waste any time and get right in.

    I folded my clothes up neatly and placed them by the counter. Mom always gotten on me about being messy when visiting other people's home. Especially if they were family friends. This weekend was my parent's anniversary so, I didn't want to be there. Even though an anniversary is only one day, I wanted to give them some privacy the whole weekend. For my younger brother, Mom sent him to our grandma to keep him the weekend. I happily got into the bath and started to wash. Being outside all day and playing soccer, I was filthy.

I cleaned behind and inside my ears. Next was my arms and legs. I cleaned my private part and my hair was last. I started playing with the bubbles when I was done. I put some on my face and gave myself a mustache. "When I'm older, I'll have a real one!" I kept playing with the bubbles a little more before I let out the water and started to clean out the tub. Grabbing a towel that was hanging on the wall, I stepped out on to the mat on the floor. After making sure I was completely dry, I put on my awesome pajama's that my mom bought me for my birthday and stepped onto the stool to brush my teeth.

As I was putting the toothpaste on my toothbrush, I looked in the mirror and noticed a sticky note on the side.

    I knew you would be too lazy to run your own bath so I took it upon myself and did it for you. No need to thank me. Just wash properly and enjoy! Also, clean your teeth properly too. Brush, floss and mouth wash. You know the drill. I'll be sleep by the time you get up here so goodnight Jiminnie.

    I scoffed at the note. So much for being a good host. Even though I was mouthing off at him in my head, I did as I was instructed. Drying my mouth, I grabbed my clothes and headed back to the room. I placed my clothes in the hamper and climbed into bed. I whispered goodnight to Sung-Jae and turned over on my right side. I must have been more tired than I thought because as soon as my head hit my pillow, sleep found me quickly.


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