Crack? Waste it on me.

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Sujin's P.O.V.

   I swatted at the hand that was shaking my body roughly. "Let me sleep, mom! Bug me in another six hours." I snuggled deeper into the soft bed, trying to get back to my wonderful dream.

   Next thing I knew, the covers were snatched off of me and a loud sound bounced off the wall. I sat upright and rubbed at my throbbing arm. I glared up at the perpetrator. "What the hell Minsu!? That hurt!" I looked back at the red spot that was starting to bruise and I looked back up at him. "I was having a romantic dream about Neo Hou kidnaping me to his private island and serenading me with his song, "You mean everything to me" while feeding me mandarin oranges. We almost had our first kiss!" I groaned out loud and flopped back onto my pillow. That man is EVERYTHING. Those eyes... I sell my whole being to be able to have that man sing too me. 

   "Forget about your weird fetish about your idols kidnapping you. Hoseok is gone." I popped right up. If I was still half asleep, I wasn't now. "Minsu," I said slowly. 'What do you mean?" He rolled his eyes. "What do you think it means genius? He's gone! Vamoosed. No longer in his room." I glanced over at the clock. It was almost five in the morning. It's no telling how long he's been gone. Where the hell- "Sohyon." Minsu's eyes widened as he stepped closer to me. "Why her? I thought you told her to leave him alone!" he slammed his hand on the wall causing me to jump.

   That took me by surprise. He was never a volatile person. He was always gentle. "I did. I told her what will happen if she kept messing with him." He rubbed his temples with his index fingers. "And just what did you say Sujin?" I got out of the bed and headed to my closet. "Apparently nothing if she ran off with our cousin." She's going to regret not listening to me.  I turned around with clothes in my hands. "Alright, Minsu. Go take a shower. We gotta get some breakfast. If we're going on a manhunt, we gotta have some energy."


Hoseok's P.O.V

   "Come in! I won't bite. At least not yet anyway." She let out a girly giggle as she winked at me. I love her laugh. It is so addicting. And that only made me stand more rooted to the ground. It's the drugs. Gotta be. We arrived at a cabin in the middle of nowhere. Away from civilization. Anything can happen out here, and no one would ever know.

   She skipped over to me, grabbed my hand and pulled me inside. She kept pulling until we arrived at a room at the back. She sat down on the bed and patted next to her. I went and did as she wanted. I'm here now so there's no point in ignoring it. She flipped her hair behind her head and stared at me. "So. My dear, tell me what's wrong. Tell me why you think I can fix what's wrong instead of your cousin." I sighed. "I don't know what's wrong with my body. Something's wrong but I can't pinpoint what that is. I feel sick. I can't sleep. I'm shaking. You did this shit to me." 

   I propped my arm on my knees and buried my face. I just want whatever is happening to my body to stop. I felt shuffling and then my face was lifted up by her. When I met her eyes, she placed a tender kiss on my lips. This time, I accepted it. I looked at her face while her eyes were closed. Why me? Why is it me, I just can't help but wonder. When she pulled away. I saw her eyes full of care and tenderness. "Do you trust me?"

   "Sohyon, what-" she shook her head. "Do you trust me?" She asked with the same soft voice she asked me in earlier. Well. I'm here, aren't I? If anything, it's like I trust her more than my own cousin, which is bad. I don't know why I called her. I could have ended this if I spoke up to Sujin. "I'm here in front of you, am I not?" She laid her head against mine. "I need to hear you say it. My princess, please grant me this?" She was pleading with me. Something I never thought she would do. "I trust you Sohyon. I trust you."

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