Tomorrow it will Rain

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Leo's P.O.V

   I headed back to my room after what happened with Yoongi. I shut the door and slumped down on the floor against the door. It's so hard. It's really hard. Swallowing, I looked around my room. I won't. I wont let it. I will not sit here and cry.

   Take deep breaths. Mom told me to take deep breaths when I feel like crying or if I feel overwhelmed. Count to ten with every breath. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. I could feel myself calming down with every breath.

   What happened to him? I can't get mad at him for hitting me but what could've caused him to do that? I sat there still taking my deep breaths as I thought back to earlier. It happened around 6:15am.

   I kept tossing and turning in bed because I was so worried about Yoongi. Go to sleep Leo. You have to have more strength starting tomorrow to take care of them and plus you have school. I closed my eyes and started to count sheep. "1 sheep jumped over the blue fence. 2 sheeps jumped over the blue fence. 3 sheeps jumped over the blue fence. 4 sheeps jumped over the blue fence. 5 sheeps jumped the blue fence. 6 sheeps jumped over..."

   I flew up with a start. What was that? Did I hear someone talking? I listened again but I didn't hear anything. "Great Leo. You're so sleep deprived that you think you're hearing things. Just lay back down."  I laid down slowly and right before my head hit the pillow, I heard it. 

   "Help!" I jumped out of bed. "Yoongi!?" I rushed to his room and I saw him trying to fight off ... fight off his cover. What on earth? He was screaming, "It's not a peaceful life if I'm living in fear!" I walked closer to him calling out his name softly.  As soon as I touched him he jabbed the pointed end of the controller into my temple. I ended up yelling out and fell onto the floor. "Are you crazy!?"

   "Who wants to live a quiet and peaceful life when I'm constantly glancing over my shoulder, huh!? Would you want to live that type of horrific life style?" I watched him as he quickly and swiftly moved against the backboard of the bed, watching me with such alertness, coldness, and hatred and... that scared me. I was honestly terrified of that look. His eyes were a knife in my ribs, the point digging deeper and deeper. Where there was once love and aliveness, had been replaced with emptiness. The unmoving gaze was accompanied by a deliberate slow breathing, like he was fighting something or someone and he was losing. Although he knew he couldn't go any further, he kept trying to sink further and further into the wood of the board.

   I knew this was going to be hard but... I never expected something like this. Whatever. I hit myself in the face. Be a man. You can't be whining about this when your mom and best friend is going through the most right now. So, get up off your ass and go wash up. Today is going to be something. I have to keep an eye on him. With determination in mind, I dragged myself to my bathroom and got ready to start my day.

Yoongi's P.O.V

   It was the second class of the day. I chose my regular seat in the back by the window and stared out of it. I've been like this all day. Just staring out the window. Leo's been watching me all day. He hasn't spoken a word to me. Just watching. Honestly though? I'm not surprised the principal let him skipped all his classes for the week just to sit in my classes.

   My dad was just murdered last night and after my "incident" this morning, Leo told him that he wanted to keep an eye on me to make sure I wasn't in any danger to myself and others. He just had to go back after class to collect any missing assignments that he had to do for homework.  Our friends came running at us this morning knocking me over with playful hits. I only brushed myself off and made way to homeroom. I know Leo filled them in because I saw how they were looking at me right before I walked into homeroom. I'm tired of everyone giving me them looks. Friends, teachers and even strangers. The look that says that they feel sorry for me.

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