Best of Me

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Yoongi's P.O.V

    "Hey. Wake up. Yoongi-ssi... Wake up you cat!" I heard a sweet and soft voice call out to me. Slowly, I opened my eyes and was blinded by the intense and fierce beams of the sun. A face started to come into view and the first thing my eyes focused on was his pink plump lips. My eyes moved up to his puffy eye smile, which I absolutely loved about him.

Snapping out of it, I said, "How many times do I have to tell you, call me hyung." My voice raspy from being woken up. "I know but you wouldn't wake up and now we're late for gym. Coach is going to have our heads if we come any later." I sat up and leaned back against the trunk of the tree. I lifted my head and looked up at the sky. It was clear with no clouds in a hundred-mile radius. "Don't want to. I'm tired and want to continue to sleep." I could hear Jimin groan. "Ah-Hyung! You've been sleeping since lunch. You have to go to class."

    I closed my eyes, feeling the wind brush against my cheeks. The soft kisses felt nice while sitting under the tree. I would rather he drag me then trying to make me get up. I rather sleep here under the tree full of cherry blossoms. He then said the one thing I wasn't expecting. "I'll buy you a plushy...Kumamon." My ears pricked up at that. He must be desperate to use the one thing I love. Well. That and my dog of course. I opened one eye up at him curiously. "Really? Like really?"

    I shot up and grabbed his shoulder. "Hyung! I was just playing." I started to shake his shoulders. "You lie!" and with that, I accidently pushed back and we fell to the ground. "Oh. It's on now." We began to roll and pull at each other hair. Then I shoved his shoulder and that caused us to start back rolling. We only stopped when we're both panting. I didn't realize it, but I ended up pinning Jimin down to the ground. Both of us were just staring at each other. I swear, just for moment, that the light of the sun hit him just right. His brown eyes staring my into mine. Who am I kidding, this brat owes me two plushies! We stopped when we heard the warning bell. Looking towards the gym, I pushed off him and dashed towards it. "Hyung no fair!" I could hear Jimin shout as I made it inside of the gymnasium.

    Right before the Coach blew his whistle, I ran beside our class rep as we lined up. She was a short chubby girl with thick glasses. She had a shaggy black bob with split ends. Jimin finally caught up and put his hand on his knees to catch his breath. Coach blew his whistle, "Park, you're late! That's fifty push-ups. Min, You too! I'm not stupid. Do you think I was born yesterday? Now. Go go go!" Man. I thought I got in the clear. Class rep laughed as Jimin and I headed out to the outer rim of the basketball court and started our push-ups. "It's your fault you know. I told you to come on, you dumbass." I snorted and rolled my eyes. "Yeah yeah, I get it."

    When we finished, I heard a familiar voice talking to the coach. "Hey coach, I'm bored. Can I join the class?" Coach answered, "Sure. Getting in the early conditioning I see. I look forward to seeing you on the soccer field next week for try-outs." Jin replies, "Coach, I'm not an athlete. You know that." Coach nodded his head. "Alright. I understand. It was worth a shot." He then blew his whistle. "Line up kiddies. We're playing DODGEBALL." I stopped talking to Jimin as I heard the most dreaded word in my life. The game which no man survives. Dodgeball. At Inhun High School, war. You either win or you die. There is no in between. Did I tell you how much I hated to sweat? It was like I had an allergic reaction to it. We lined up at the half court line and coach picked our team captains. I sighed. Just my luck.

    "Ah, Min. Park. Since you two thought that it would be a good idea to show up to my class late, how about you two become the captains?" Being captain, it's not what it seems. You are a walking target. If you lose, it's your fault. Jimin and I walked to the center and started to call out the people we wanted on our team. The first one he chose was class rep. She may be a little strange but her aim was fatal. It makes sense since she was the captain of the softball team. Out of everyone, she scares me the most.

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